DNC Crowd Applauds Wildly the Democrats Violating a Federal Law – IOTW Report

DNC Crowd Applauds Wildly the Democrats Violating a Federal Law

The party of lawlessness.


At 8:04pm local time, the DNC invited an illegal alien to accompany her daughter to tout Hillary Clinton for president. During her speech, which was televised on national TV, the daughter explicitly said her mother is in the United States illegally.  Minutes before the mother and daughter team took to the stage, the DNC played a video showing the daughter communicating with Hillary Clinton during one of her tour stops in Nevada.  It was then that the daughter (Karla) admitted to Hillary Clinton that her mother (Francisca) received a government issued letter of deportation.  Clearly, the mother is ignoring the deportation order, and so to is the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

And then…they did it again…

Following the mother / daughter act, another illegal alien took to the podium at 8:09pm local time.  Her name is Astrid Silva, and she said in clear English, “I came to America illegallywith my mother when I was 4-years old.  We crossed the river [Rio Grande] on a raft.”


TRN asks, who paid for their illegal travel, their lodging?

18 Comments on DNC Crowd Applauds Wildly the Democrats Violating a Federal Law

  1. TRN asks, who paid for their illegal travel, their lodging?

    Obviously, me and 100 odd million tax payers.

    Please note, the country only counts 340 odd million people living here.

  2. Deport Hillary 2016

    When I saw the picture I thought about George Costanza’s dad shagging that one on the right back in Korea. Does she work at a nail salon?

  3. That’s how brazen these people have become, that they feel it’s perfectly okay to whine about their plight on prime-time TV.

    178 more days.

  4. This group of scofflaws are unable to pass LAWS to get what they want so they ignore the laws on the books because “WE’RE SO MUCH MORE COMPASSIONATE THAN ANYONE ELSE!” And don’t forget they are “SO MUCH SMARTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE”, too!”

  5. Now the external and internal fences make sense.

    They love grand entrances and what better way for the illegals to enter and get to the stage to speak than climbing over the fences – Run-for-the-border style. So appropriate.

  6. Racer X. That you will never see. But if an Irish kid said he came here illegally through Canada, they’d have his ass in shackles before he left the stage. Thank Ted Kennedy for that. The ficking Demorats suck!

  7. Racer X.

    The Obama INS is under orders to help and protect ILLEGALS.

    If they were in the wings waiting, it would only be to escort them to their limo, back to their 10 star hotel, to await their charter ride home, in America. All on taxpayers’ dime, like the worthless trips the president makes.

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