DNC Rather Un-enthused To Release Their Own Donor Lists – IOTW Report

DNC Rather Un-enthused To Release Their Own Donor Lists

RWN: Since the Citizens United ruling, Democrats have thundered on about the need for sunlight and transparency when it comes to donors. They’ve caterwauled about secret lists of people and companies donating “dark money”, and they want it stopped. They want to force donors to be exposed. Well, not their own donors, of course. Republican donors.

(AP) The host committee for the Democratic National Convention wants to keep its donor list under wraps until after the convention even though a state open records agency has ordered its release.

A Philadelphia 2016 Host Committee lawyer told a judge Thursday the release of fundraising records could harm the organization’s last-minute efforts to seek donations and negotiate vendor contracts.

They always have an excuse as to why their donors should be kept secret while Republicans should be published. Why? Many reasons. One of them is certainly so the individuals, groups, and companies can be targeted in a negative manner by Democrats.  MORE

6 Comments on DNC Rather Un-enthused To Release Their Own Donor Lists

  1. One thing that could get Hillary’s corrupt ass in a sling is the fact that Monsanto is one of her biggest financial supporters. Big Pharma is another, and that should not sit very well with her base.

    It’s too bad there are not ads being aired about that, it would drive a lot of libtard voters away.

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