DNC Spox is about as professional and informed as a dumb FB harpy bint – IOTW Report

DNC Spox is about as professional and informed as a dumb FB harpy bint

This is actually funny, that’s how bad and desperate this is.

25 Comments on DNC Spox is about as professional and informed as a dumb FB harpy bint

  1. Couldn’t make it past 2 minutes. Ignore the questions, read talking points, filibuster. Typical leftist tactics. What an annoying woman, in the mold of Debbie Washerwoman Schultz. Like fingernails on a chalkboard.

  2. That guy had a lot of patience dealing with that low info, screeching dembot. I’m fairly certain he was thinking, “Shut the eff up and answer my question, will ya?!”.

    And the smug smirk on her face indicated she thinks she totally owned him. 🙄

  3. Over 900 people died drinking Jim Jones’ lethal kool-aide. It’s scary to know how far people will go in order to avoid disillusionment. They’d rather die and take their innocent children with them than feel the pain of being wrong.

    This woman isn’t angry and hateful towards Trump and his administration because those people have done wrong. She’s hateful because she’s scared they haven’t.

  4. Unhinged……a good word to describe Xochitl……

    Like all DEMocRATS…..put her under oath and she’ll tell the truth under fear of jail……

    But then they’ll walk right outside and start lying and spinning their tales…..

    The more Hemmer called her out the more you could see how upset she was becoming.

  5. well at least she had all the answers to questions no one asked.

    how was the previous administrations justice department independent of the administration ?

    hard to think you couldn’t blow through one ear and put out a match at the other ear.


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