DNI Ratcliffe Links Hillary’s Russia Hoax To Obama’s WH Through John Brennan’s Personal Notes – IOTW Report

DNI Ratcliffe Links Hillary’s Russia Hoax To Obama’s WH Through John Brennan’s Personal Notes


Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has transmitted evidence to the Senate Judiciary Committee showing notes written by CIA Director John Brennan that Hillary Clinton campaign advisors created a “proposal to vilify Trump by stirring up scandal claiming interference by Russian security services” on July 26th of 2016.

This appears to be the explosive evidence referred to by Senator Lindsey Graham during recent public comments. More

More material on the effort to smear then candidate Trump by the combined forces of the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Obama White House. Here

7 Comments on DNI Ratcliffe Links Hillary’s Russia Hoax To Obama’s WH Through John Brennan’s Personal Notes

  1. “… John Ratcliffe has transmitted evidence to the Senate Judiciary Committee …”
    Why not turn the evidence over to the FBI/Dept. of “Justice”?
    The Senate has no prosecutorial powers, that I am aware.
    They try impeachments, and shit (which cannot extend beyond removal from office) like that, but not Treason (which should require a death sentence).

    Dog and Pony Show? I smell BULLSHIT!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Why?
    Why not turn the evidence over to the FBI/Dept. of “Justice”?”

    Because if he gave it to the DOJ it would disappear.
    The Senate is talking about it. It now puts pressure on the DOJ.
    And the Senate/house can ask the DOJ to investigate and recommend charges, blah blah blah. And they’re the only ones, besides the president [and the fbi, obvy] who can nag them about it while they’re supposedly investigating.

    Unfortunately, when it comes to stuff like this, the person with the info has to parade it around so that everyone can see it, and everyone knows that
    ‘I know that you know you saw this’.
    You have to think of it as TO CATCH A PREDATOR.
    “Why don’t you sit your narrow ass over there while I ask you some questions…” ala Chris Hansen.


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