DNI Ratcliffe Takes Measures To Stop Congressional Democrats From Leaking Classified Material – IOTW Report

DNI Ratcliffe Takes Measures To Stop Congressional Democrats From Leaking Classified Material


On Sunday, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told Maria Bartiromo during a Fox Business interview that Democrats have been leaking classified election security information to their pals in the lapdog press.

“Within minutes of one of those briefings ending, a number of members of Congress went to a number of different outlets and leaked classified information for political purposes,” Ratcliffe said. “To create a narrative that simply isn’t true, that somehow Russia is a greater national security threat than China.” The president was quick to comment. More

Congressional democrats issued a strongly worded letter demanding the resumption of in person intelligence briefings. Here

15 Comments on DNI Ratcliffe Takes Measures To Stop Congressional Democrats From Leaking Classified Material

  1. This should definitely stop the Democrats from leaking, due to their “Selective Hearing”, as everything will now be in writing & they won’t be able to take topics out of context & twist them to try to make their “Orange Man Bad” argument & allow their complicit media to spew it over the airwaves. “Progressive Heads” are now really going to explode because they will be shut down from telling even more lies.

  2. I suspect that part of the reason he wants it on paper is that very subtle differences in each copy can be made so that if information is leaked and that leak contains the differences then the leaker is immediately identified. It’s a long-shot to be sure but Democrats may be sly but it doesn’t make them smart.

  3. I’m not sure, but I suspect there’s also a difference in how the paper is actually handled. Classified docs have check in / check out rules and chain of custody requirements that even Congress Critters must adhere to.

  4. What difference does it make whether the classified information is delivered in person or in written form, which Ratcliffe is required to do and will continue, the info can still get leaked?

    Sometimes I think these dug in GOP bureaucrats meet weekly, “Our poll numbers are really dropping, the folks back home think we are weak and spineless and let the dems walk all over us, what can we do to show them we mean business? I know, we’ll cancel the in-person intelligence briefings and just give them written ones, that should satiate our voters, at least for a little while”.

    Ratcliffe, you want to impress us, find the leakers and prosecute them.

  5. @Rich Taylor

    I think the GOP mentality is that they can point to a written document when a Dem lies about what he was told in an oral briefing. But we know that is Queensbury Rules in a barroom brawl. We saw Trump get impeached for a “perfect phone call”, the transcript of which was beyond dispute and clearly showed no wrongdoing by the President.

    I don’t know what he solution is—well, actually several here have the solution—but it pisses me off that these Dem pols can blurt whatever seditious nonsense serves their needs, but defendants in the SDNY must hold their tongues on truth-telling under pain of imprisonment.

  6. The written briefing will be given to Congress, and separate classified in-person briefings will be given only to a select few in Congress. If information in the in-person briefings is leaked, it is much easier to identify the leaker. That should put a sock in Schiff’s mouth. He can’t even leak to his staff if they were not also present at the in-person sessions.

  7. I am so old…..

    I remember way back in the day when people committed a federal crime they ended up in jail for doing it.

    Unlike today where they are rewarded for doing it with a 7-8 figure salary to do a “hunter biden” fluff job after they get out government service to the people they leaked the information to.

    Notice how that intrepid warrior Barr is on this issue like hillary is when she sees an unopened bottle of vodka? I bet he will get around to doing his job when the turn of the century comes around, but until then he will be “investigating” it.

  8. Ratcliffe hasn’t been real impressive yet. I think Rick Grenell was gaining momentum and once Ratcliffe took his position it’s almost like there is no one in the position. And what makes him think having it on a printed page is going to stop TRAITOROUS BASTARDS from being TRAITOROUS BASTARDS?

  9. Thirdtwin, the in-person briefing covers the exact same information that would be in the written reports. The written reports are always better then in person summaries, no embellishments, or nothing left out. The Democrats are right in that the administration does not “own” the intelligence and that they (Congress) have a right to see it, how it is presented to them is up to Ratcliffe.

    My point was that we have seen these empty gestures before, Lindsay Graham champions in them, these, “look at me, I’m a tough guy and won’t be bullied by the other side”, antics which are weak, pointless, and do nothing to install confidence but only present the illusion that a principled backbone exists among them.


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