Do Clinton Supporters Think It Cute or Clever That Hillary Dodges Reporters Over and Over – IOTW Report

Do Clinton Supporters Think It Cute or Clever That Hillary Dodges Reporters Over and Over

At some point you have to start to think that your candidate has something to hide, no?

Do they care? I don’t think they do.

In this clip, Clinton fills her mouth with chocolate and then just ignores reporters asking her questions. She then plies them with bribes to leave her alone, offering them some of the sweet confection.

They oblige.

Are they not sick of looking like fools?

16 Comments on Do Clinton Supporters Think It Cute or Clever That Hillary Dodges Reporters Over and Over

  1. Well, not to be a nitpicker, but i would rather see Cankles stuffing her piehole with candy rather than Huma’s twatwaffle. But topping even that, I think a nice photo with a wreathe at her head would be better.

  2. There is no reasonable explanation for the many educated people out there who intend to vote for hillary. Most of my family will, I can’t hardly talk to them. One brother with degrees in nuclear engineering and civil engineering, and served in the original Iraq War has no problem voting for hillary. He sounds like comey, I just don’t believe she has bad intentions. I can’t stand this shit!

  3. Her supporters believe that Hillary can’t get a fair shake, because of the ‘right wing conspiracy’.

    Her supporters are glad and expect the MSM to protect Hillary, at all costs.

    Her supporters are really hard to understand even when your sister is amongst them. Your sister, who is brilliant, worldly, educated, successful, not rich, kind, idolizes this horror and her husband. I just don’t get it.

    When I ask about ANY of the fiascos of Hillary’s life, I’m told, “Surely, you don’t believe that!”, as if I grew horns and was the most ignorant, unread person on earth. I really don’t get it.

    I think the only weight Hillary has gained is from all of the shit and bodies she has created, that she carries with her.

    I fully believe that every ‘fundraiser’ is simply an auction, selling parts of America to the highest bidders.

    I just don’t get it, but I also don’t get how a president who has dumped America into third world status, decimated the American military, while continuing the fights he promised to end, has ‘Trojan Horsed’ millions of ILLEGAL, sick and often criminal immigrants into our country, decimating the education of our school children and overburdening budgets of communities., has lavishly vacationed and day-tripped and played golf while Americans struggle with the horrors of Obamacare, jobs, rising prices, & etc.- how the hell does this man’s approval rating stay above ZERO?

    Oh heck, I forgot, cooked numbers, just like all of his numbers.

    I’m so sick of the liars; the president, every department under him, congress, the damn supreme court, and the queen of lies, Hillary.

    And we’re up against voters like my sister and the other Hillary Kool aid drinkers, willing to swallow whatever shit she dishes out, even if it stinks and tastes like SHIT; ‘Well, that’s only a right wing conspiracy, (because Hillary says), so ‘Drink up.’

  4. I witnessed a TV interview ages ago with James Carville where he explained that his job search right out of college was not about ideology, it was about psychology, those who identified as Democrat were easier to “convince” of ANYTHING…..No questions/Chocolate. What if Donald Trump passed out chocolate at his next event to illustrate the ridiculousness of it all?

  5. Liberals must be permanently deaf and blind, not to mention willingly ignorant. For example, try telling one, any color, that Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation DID NOT FREE any slaves. They will turn blue, objecting. But true — Lincoln had no authority over laws in states not under his control. And where he could free the slaves, in states under Union control, he WOULD NOT.

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