Do Democrats really believe that Tara Reade has been lying for 27 years? – IOTW Report

Do Democrats really believe that Tara Reade has been lying for 27 years?

Washington Examiner- The growing evidence for Tara Reade’s claim that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 may still not be enough to prove her case. But look at it from the perspective of Occam’s Razor. Does it seem more likely that Reade committed to a lie, falsely smearing Biden (mostly in private) as a criminal assailant for at least a quarter-century? Or that Reade, however wacky, is now telling the truth publicly after years of considering the consequences, the trauma, and the blowing up of Biden’s political fortunes?

We already had one on-the-record witness. Reade’s former neighbor Lynda LaCasse claims that Reade detailed Biden forcibly pushing his hand up her skirt and penetrating her, corroborating her allegation against Biden in detail just two or three years after it happened. We also have the Larry King Live tape, evidently documenting Reade’s mother claiming her daughter had insurmountable “problems” working for a prominent senator in August 1993, the last month Reade worked for Biden. Three other witnesses claim that Reade alleged assault or harassment at the time, although one, Reade’s brother, changed his story, and the other two refuse to be named or directly quoted.

But now a new piece of material evidence has emerged: a record from Reade’s 1996 divorce. While contesting a restraining order Reade had filed against him, her ex-husband disclosed that Reade had “related a problem that she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden’s office” and that “it was obvious that this event had a very traumatic effect” on her.

At this point, Reade’s initial allegation of sexual harassment probably meets the preponderance of evidence. But this new record bolsters both that claim of harassment and her additional claim of assault. Sure, Reade’s ex-husband doesn’t clearly describe the assault the way her neighbor did, but that would be unlikely in an argument contesting a restraining order. In that context, he would be more likely to allude to a “traumatic” incident. Workplace sexual harassment can be a trauma too, but is it really more likely that her ex-husband was referring to Biden making creepy remarks about her legs or to his shoving her up against a wall and committing a criminal assault? read more

11 Comments on Do Democrats really believe that Tara Reade has been lying for 27 years?

  1. The record of her statements all prove that “something” happened, consistently described as “sexual harassment”.

    We can believe that, since there are umpteen videos on the internet of Joe Biden inappropriately invading women’s and girls’ personal space, sniffing their hair, laying his hands on them, and making wildly inappropriate remarks.

    That said, digital penetration is sexual “assault”. There is no evidence of this recent embellishment. I’m still waiting for someone to ask her how he managed to get into her pantyhose.

  2. Damn! It’s like that old joke about your mother-in-law driving off a cliff in your new Lincoln Continental. We couldn’t ask for a better candidate to run against President Trump than Dementia Joe, and there must be tens of thousands of powerful people in his orbit who know he’s a certain loser who will bring down the entire party. But this nasty Tara Reade business is so enjoyable and entertaining. It’s the train wreck we always dreamed about. It’s taking down almost all the Ministry of Propaganda and those sanctimonious wenches who condemned Justice Brett Kavanaugh with no evidence. I believe Tara Reade!

  3. I believe her, BUT I also believe her perspective on it changes to suit her current mood.

    In Democrat terms: She was for it before she was against it.

  4. They don’t care. The Pollutico founder accidentally let the truth out. A win is more important than Joe Biden sexually assaulting women 1/3 to 1/10 his age for the last 50 years.

    The only question is who is going to lend their name to his joke bumpersticker? Who will be the Ferraro to his Mondale?

  5. @Janitor

    A little bit of pantyhose won’t stop a mad-dog sex fiend.

    A lot of us guys have approached that mad-dog mindset. Most of us stopped before any real damage was done. I did. Some idiots didn’t. The older one gets, and as the fires burn low, the less of a mad-dog one is supposed to be.

    Biden may be OD’g on Viagra and thinks he’s a stud.

  6. “Do Democrats really believe that Tara Reade has been lying for 27 years?”

    “Believe” is such a strong word. But, they still “believe” in Trump-Russia Collusion, they “believe” in 37 genders, they “believe” in the innocence of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Jussie Smollett, and they “believe” in a scandal free gay mulatto administration. So, sure, they “believe” that Tara Reade has been lying for 27 years.

  7. @janitor May 8, 2020 at 5:51 pm It was summer in DC, she said she was not wearing any. A fact that Biden, since he admired her legs, probably noticed.

  8. @Cliche Guevara May 8, 2020 at 6:11 pm

    > They don’t care.

    Damn straight!

    > The Pollutico founder accidentally let the truth out. A win is more important

    Oh. That “them”. Guess it’s my bowtie that isn’t straight enough.

    You go on without me, @Cliche. Noble surrender failure is that-a-way.

    <cue music>
    Onward, Conservative soldiers, marching as to war,
    With the bowtie of Buckley going on before.


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