Do Flu Shots Cause “virus interference”? – IOTW Report

Do Flu Shots Cause “virus interference”?

Just the News

Just a few short weeks before the COVID-19 pandemic burst into public view, a medical researcher published a study on military members who got the flu shot. At the time, it barely created a ripple but its findings are now likely to have a larger impact on the future policy debate over infectious respiratory viruses.

The study published by Dr. Gregory Wolff in Science magazine was entitled, “Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season” and it addressed a suspected phenomenon known as “virus interference.” More

8 Comments on Do Flu Shots Cause “virus interference”?

  1. After all these weeks of being home and reading everything on the internet about what is happening to our country and how it happened, I seem to remember reading that a small amount of the Covid19 strain was added to the flu shot this year. Can’t remember where I heard it or read it but I remember thinking, so glad I didn’t get the shot this year! But I do know that every single client in a nursing home DID receive this flu shot and isn’t the number of death to nursing home’s the highest throughout the country? Not a coincidence, or is it?

    God Bless us all!!

  2. Florida (God’s Waiting Room) did not experience the amount of nursing home deaths as Blue States that insisted on importing health care people, that tested positive for the Wuhu Red Death, to work in their nursing homes

    …. coincidence? … I don’t think so …. it’s like they’re trying to give old folks ‘choice’

  3. To RMM and MH why in Febuary, did I notice at my job of all places, a new ‘disease to kill’ on the back of a Lysol can?

    Look at a new can of Lysol, which was produced at the latest eight months ago, or more, it says Coronova Virus on it, at least the newest can I have does. Again probably produced 8 months or a year ago maybe?

    How long does it take to get CV on a can of Lysol through the FDA?? Years? Or MONTHS??

    CV was not always on the label of Lysol.

    You made a great point. But it’s the Sars2-CV-19 version you might be referencing, we must remember this, CV has been around for what twenty years?

    Lab created ta boot. Don’t believe the wet market nonsense, not yous Them.

  4. My kids and I got the flu shot in November 2019 and we all ended up sick with what I believe was the Wuhan Chinese virus!! I hadn’t got the flu shot since 1999 and got the flu then!! Was not a good decision to get and will never get it again!

  5. This is something I have been suspecting, that flu shots may be making people more vulnerable to coronavirus of making it worse than it would otherwise be for some people.

    I don’t expect any definitive studies to be done on this, or the results released to the public if it turns out to be that way.


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