Do-Gooders Waste $500 Million Fighting Non-existent “Food Deserts” – IOTW Report

Do-Gooders Waste $500 Million Fighting Non-existent “Food Deserts”

The crusade to save low income city dwellers from the rotten choice for grocery shopping in their own neighborhoods has proven a failure.

It’s not that food businesses have conspired to limit them to bad diets, but that the residents of  these “food deserts” avoid the more expensive fruits and vegetables offered at higher end markets.

Recent studies also show that people aren’t stuck in regions with limited choices, but instead travel up to 2 miles or more to do their grocery shopping. In other words, if they wanted to spend more to eat healthier, they could.    More

11 Comments on Do-Gooders Waste $500 Million Fighting Non-existent “Food Deserts”


    The reason why there are “food deserts” in ghetto neighborhoods is crime. Any shrewd businessperson will think twice before opening a business in a high-crime area. Small businesses such as greengroceries operate on a very slim profit margin, and even a single robbery can doom a business’ chance of success.

    Besides, Shaniqua don’t be wantin’ no veggies with her food stamps.

  2. “Leftists” my ass.
    They are thieving, lying, murderous, traitorous socialists.

    To call them otherwise is to obfuscate who they are and what their intentions are.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Honest mistake. They thought these people were living the gov’t dream of sustainable neighborhoods where everyone has to walk everywhere, but these people actually have transportation choices and freedom.

  4. I live in a food desert b/c I am surrounded by wilderness areas where civilization (let alone supermarkets) are prohibited. Even so, I have two supermarkets within 10 mi of my house. Yet, since there is no public transportation (thank you, Jesus) I am technically underserved.

    Here’s hoping they never pave the county road, either!

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