Do I Look Sassy? – IOTW Report

Do I Look Sassy?

Images from:

1 Truckbuddy (New puppy!: Sammy Hagar. He is 10 weeks old and a total handful. Vet says he is a perfect Maltese)
2 Different Tim (Elephant)
3 Ghost – (bald eagle – Verplanck, NY)
4 forcibly deranged (Kilo)
5 forcibly deranged (Logan enjoys mornings on his stoop facing into the sun)
7 Misterdux (Charlie, my son’s puppy)
8 Misterdux (Fezzik as a pup in March 2017)

Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:

They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

“Friends Past” – If you would like your pet from the past to be included, please send a picture with their name and a little bit about them. Doesn’t matter if it’s been recent or decades ago; they all have a place in our hearts no matter the length of time they’ve been gone. Please include “Friends Past” either in the Subject line of the email or in the body of the email.


12 Comments on Do I Look Sassy?

  1. How about BOSSY and Sassy??

    Happy Sunday for what’s left of it.

    @Truckbuddy – good luck!
    @forcibly deranged – I not only have a Buds that looks like Kilo, I had a ‘past one’ that looked like Logan an ‘M’ Tabby.
    @Misterdux – cute as heck, the both of ’em!

    Thanks C!

  2. Truck Buddy, Sammy Hagar is adorable. If you want to get rid of the stains around the eyes use distilled water for his drinking water. The minerals in other waters cause the rusty colored stains.
    My Maltese have never had that problem as long as they drink distilled water. It will take a few months to grow out the hair that’s stained but keep using the water and it will become white again.

  3. Hey Tiger Eyes,

    Thanks for the tip. The main reason he is getting eye stains is because he is eating Purina Puppy Chow – Our Vet said keep him on it for a while (’til he’s full grown :D). At 1 year we will switch him to Green Beans and some other non-staining food. We tried Distilled water on our previous Maltese, and found that Green Beans (shredded French-style) worked even better – he scoffed ’em down, we always mixed them with a little food because carnivorous… Don’t know why Maltese like vegetables. His eyes were always white.

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