Do Not Eat or Drink While Watching This Clip of Hillary – IOTW Report

Do Not Eat or Drink While Watching This Clip of Hillary

If you eat or drink while watching this clip, do it at your own peril, because I am not paying for a new computer. The spit take will most definitely do damage.

Hillary claims she is more qualified than Trump because of her…. her….  I can’t even type the words.

The Clintons are the master trollers!!!!!  You must see this clip for it to be believed.

There has to be a name for this level of mental disorder.

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

27 Comments on Do Not Eat or Drink While Watching This Clip of Hillary

  1. I want to take this opportunity to thank and praise BFH, MJA, Dr. Tar, Illustr8r, Irony Curtain and the rest of the IOTWR crew (including the BP posters) for their daily efforts to provide current, insightful, and irreverent news and commentary. Thanks heaps! You guys are great!!

  2. I have to say, that was some bad lighting. Dim, showing wvery wrinkle and wattle. Was the bunker being shelled when she sent out this rallying cry to her minions?

  3. How is it that she has not been run out of the country?
    If Trump does not landslide this bitch into the dust bin of history then America is not worth saving.
    It’s lifeblood will have been drained away and those of us who remain, while good people all of us, are obviously lacking in vigilance and the wherewithal to protect our Republic and deserve what is going to happen to us.
    Andrew Jackson would take a stick to half of us.
    He would hang that Hideous Cow and her husband himself

  4. When the people take away the virtue and what do you have left? It isn’t freedom or justice or equality.

    It’s corruption and the celebration of getting away with it.

  5. I listen to The 5 on Fox when I am on the road.
    Gutfeld had an excellent comment recently.
    People in America have given up Church on Sundays and now have basically replaced it with Saturday II. Instead of Reflection we have Identity

    It shows

  6. I am looking at the totality of your public life.
    You are an incompetent bitch, greedy, a liar, scam artist, conniver, thief, a murderer and an enemy of the Nation. You possess no redeeming characteristic required for a servant of the people or Nation.

  7. @ Lazlo, I stopped going, but church is every day, everywhere, now. I’ve only given up on preachers who tickle the ears rather than preach the actual gospel. I prefer the direct line without all the static. True Bible-teaching churches are becoming rare, and that was my reason for dropping out.

    That said, I hope all who have left the church will not leave their faith or lose their salvation.

    We will soon be seeing what it was like during the days of Noah, and people need to be ready for that.

  8. Unruly, we attend most Sunday mornings. In fact, our church was packed again yesterday. Over 300 in attendance. Hard to guess, but it holds 450 and there werent many empty seats. Its whats called a full gospel church, aka Holy Rollers. But with the media as it is, plenty of opportunities to get Gods word without going to a brick and mortar church.

  9. @Unruly — “Tickle the ears” — Amen!

    We supplement our mostly empty Sunday sermons with my favorite exegesis teacher, Alistair Begg. He’s available on YT as well as most current sermons/series on their church website or Truth For

    (lol — I’m always plugging Begg.)

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