Do not go gentle into that good Lycra – IOTW Report

Do not go gentle into that good Lycra

I see we’re wrapping up our 8 year tour of duty exactly the same way we launched it: with a taxpayer funded tour of several national parks out west. This time Barry warned that unless we do something about global warming, there will be no more National Parks! Recalling the first time he saw a moose in Yosemite…

MORE @ Michelle’s Mirror.

57 Comments on Do not go gentle into that good Lycra

  1. I’m getting tireder and tireder, more weary by the day.
    I just can’t keep up anymore. These pukes never saw a flower or a tree, or a stream or a woods in their whole miserable lives until they found the white house and all the bennies that go with it.

  2. Remember Chip Wilson from Lululemon when commenting on their yoga pants being transparent:

    Questioned for comment on customer complaints about the pants being too sheer and pilling in a recent interview with Bloomberg TV’s Street Smart, Wilson said: “Some women’s bodies just don’t work for it.”

    When host Trish Regan pressed Wilson to elaborate, he added, “They don’t work for some women’s bodies. It’s really about the rubbing through the thighs, how much pressure is there over a period of time, how much they use it.”

    This photo is likely an example of what he meant…isn’t black supposed to be thinning…shudder…

  3. Fur, since Lycra is skin tight I wonder if you are working on a full nude? Its all there, just change the color.

    Please give a spew warning if you post please.

  4. Are we seeing why Obama wants to take away your rifle?
    Seems Mooch is at risk of being mistaken for an attacking Sasquatch, and there could be a tragic hunting accident.

  5. I’ve been to many National Parks. NEVER have I seen anyone of any race or nationality dressed in black spandex or black lycra during the summer. Is she mourning that the time of the free vacations is nearing the end?

    p.s. How many months along do you think she is. My guess is at least 7 months pregnant.

  6. She and Jennifer Aniston can swap horrors stories about the paparazzi taking pics of them on vacation that starts a firestorm of pregnancy rumors in the tabloids.

  7. I’m wondering if we had a conservative white couple in the White House with the same body types as these two idiots what a kind of names the liberal press would be throwing at them. Especially if they dressed in Mom jeans and Yoga Pants wrapper around a pig. How can she be that fat as healthy as she is suppose to eat?

  8. That Ranger must be thinking “Her beer belly’s bigger than mine”.
    She needs a caption on that cap “I have a bad case of dickey-do. My gut sticks out farther than my dickey-do”.

  9. Bush always looked natural on his ranch and outdoors.

    This tool looks like an idiot no matter what he does.

    Shooting ball, throwing out the first pitch, coming out of the surf with his moobs, riding a little girls bike wearing mom jeans, taking selfies, lifting “weights”, etc.
    What a pathetic douche!

  10. Does she really have to eat EVERY chicken her Voodoo Mother sacrifices? They’re beginning to show in the belly arena.

    Are we certain that’s not a transdudeite?

  11. The ranger is watching the ground crack under those big feet, wondering if they have enough chip&seal to fill in all the cracks before the taxpayers are allowed back in the park.

  12. Gee Wally, can you imagine the looks on Mom and Dad’s face if we told them this what the President and the First Lady will look like in the next century?
    Yeah Beave, we wouldn’t be able to sit down for a month!!

  13. Other problems aside, who on earth wears head to toe black anything (let alone spandex) in the American west on a summer day?! It’s hot! Spandex!?

    (This picture of that woman is the *real* reason they cleared the park out. She probably didn’t want anyone besides gov’t people to see her.)

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