Do the Biden Bull$**t Stories Ever End? – IOTW Report

Do the Biden Bull$**t Stories Ever End?

AP Fact Check-

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden is spinning a convoluted tale of an Amtrak conductor who congratulated him during his vice presidency for logging more miles riding the train home to Delaware than by flying on Air Force Two.

“I apologize because some have heard this,” Biden told a crowd Monday in New Jersey, starting up a story he has repeated in various forms at least five times, dating back to the 2020 campaign.

“I swear to God. True story,” he said Monday, for emphasis.

But it’s a mangled one.

By his own accounting, Biden’s Amtrak miles over the years only surpassed his Air Force Two miles after the conductor who supposedly informed him of that fact had died. Moreover, the conductor had retired about two decades before the conversation Biden claims to have had with him while boarding a train.

BIDEN: “I commuted every single day, 263 miles a day, on Amtrak from the time I got elected United States senator. As a matter of fact, when I was vice president, I used to like to take the train home when my mom was very sick and dying, and I’d come home every weekend to make sure I’d take the train home. …

“And I’m getting on one Friday, and then one of the senior guys on Amtrak, Angelo Negri — I got to know all the conductors really well; they became my friends. … And Ang walks up to me and goes, ‘Joey, baby!’ Grabs my cheek. And I thought the Secret Service was going to blow his head off. … I said, ‘What’s up, Ang?’ He said, ‘Joey, I read in the paper — I read in the paper you traveled 1,000 — 1.2 million miles on Air Force planes’ — because they keep meticulous tabs of it. I said, ‘Yeah.’ … He said, ‘You know how many miles you traveled on Amtrak, Joey?’ And I said, ‘No.’ He said, ’The boys and I figured it out … He says, ‘You travel 2 million…’ — I think it was 180, but — ‘2,200,000 miles.’

“I said, ‘How did you get that answer?’ He said, ‘Well, 267 miles a day. We figured you traveled 119 days a year for 36 years, and then you traveled as vice president.’ And then he goes, ‘So, Joey, I don’t want to hear this about the Air Force anymore.’”

THE FACTS: The tale as Biden spins it is wrong. Negri could not have had that conversation because he was already deceased by the time Biden logged 1.2 million miles on Air Force Two.

Biden refers to a train ride he made to Delaware when he was vice president and his mother was sick and dying. He explains it happened shortly after he had flown 1.2 million miles, spurring Negri’s comment about his mileage on Amtrak in comparison. On previous occasions when Biden has told the story, he’s also indicated that it all happened around his “fourth or fifth year” as vice president — or 2012-2013 — although in a rendition of the story told to a crowd in Scranton, Pennsylvania, last week, Biden suggested it was in his seventh year, which would be 2015.

In any event, Biden’s mother, Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Finnegan Biden, died in 2010, well before the middle of his vice presidency.


19 Comments on Do the Biden Bull$**t Stories Ever End?

  1. I want to know who’s paying for the fuel for flights of illegals around American bases and who paying for their housing, food and medical?? Someone ask Joe if he is personally picking up the tab? Or just who is paying that tab??

  2. Anytime Biden* says, “No, I mean it,” or “I swear to God” or “No joke” or he whispers or when he’s blaming someone for his problems… that occurs just about every single time he speaks..mumbles.. You know it’s a fricking LIE. We have a fictitious, poorly extemporaneous, story teller for a president who wants you to believe the scary stories he tells like you’re a child with a flashlight under his chin. Happy halloween.

  3. He doesn’t think he’s lying. In his mind, these stories are pure truth. A couple of brain aneurisms with surgeries for those, at least one or perhaps two face lifts, hair plugs and who knows what that we don’t know about. The guy’s been under a lot of anesthesia and his IQ was pretty low to begin with.

    No mean tweets though.

  4. Cut joey a break.
    He just got confused a bit about all the miles of Dick his son sucked (logged) to get some crack in America.
    He just got the words, people and times a bit confused.

  5. As long as he continues to waste oxygen the beatings will continue.

    The good news: Xiden will be increasing the chocolate ration from 25 grams to 20 grams and he is going to tax Warren Buffet to pay for it.

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