Do We Draw the Line at a US Ministry of Truth? – IOTW Report

Do We Draw the Line at a US Ministry of Truth?

American Thinker:

By J.B. Shurk

This aspiring dictatorship is getting desperate and dangerous.

Imagine having complete control over America’s corporate news propaganda arm and still feeling vulnerable when it comes to “securing the narrative.”  Imagine having all the Big Tech censors working for the U.S. Intelligence Community, and the masters of disinformation are still unsure whether they can amply manipulate American opinion.  Imagine dedicating a year and a half to persecuting anyone who questions the legitimacy of the 2020 election and learning that more Americans than ever now view that monstrosity as tainted by fraud.  Imagine shamelessly spinning the Capitol breach into an attempted coup d’état only to find that half the country believes that the federal government is in the business of imprisoning political protesters.  Imagine spending six years framing Donald Trump as a Russian spy; putting him in constant legal jeopardy with a rogue, Democrat-aligned special counsel investigation; impeaching him for the financial corruption of his political opponent’s quid-pro-quo schemes in Ukraine; and then impeaching him a second time for the crime of free speech in a congressional operation designed to prevent him from ever running for elective office again — only to learn that he is the runaway favorite to win the 2024 Republican presidential primary and handily beating the current occupant of the White House by six points

When propaganda, domestic espionage, malicious prosecution, blackmail, and an organized terror campaign of burn-loot-murder mayhem directed against ordinary Americans fail to subdue the citizen population, what do aspiring totalitarians do next?  That’s right, friends, come on down: it’s Ministry of Truth time!  The same Department of Homeland Security that has never had any interest in securing the homeland (come right over, international terrorists and drug-runners, the border’s wide open!) will now dedicate its malignant resources to censoring so much truth that only the government’s lies can be heard!  If you can’t beat ’em in the arena of ideas, then beat them into submission with clubs, cut out their vocal cords, declare them “enemies of the State,” and round up anyone still standing.  It’s the Deep State way! more h/t NAAC.

17 Comments on Do We Draw the Line at a US Ministry of Truth?

  1. The aspiring dictatorship has not even reached into its complete bag of tricks: mainly, that our military has been training to kill you and I, not a foreign enemy. They’ll be martial law in the coming days.

  2. A cornered rat will fight.

    A man fight to lose his chains? not so much.

    They’ve been feeding us shit and calling it chocolate since Clinton (Wilson?) – and we’ve eaten every bite – no reason to expect a change, now.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The middle class is not as controllable as the very poor so they must crush us to finally establish full power.
    We don’t listen to or believe them. They can’t stand it.
    Trump and the newer rebels in Congress support us so they have to be stopped too.
    They’re so obvious.

  4. Isn’t it ironic that the same idiots now protesting at the Supreme Court and elsewhere, over an imaginary “constitutional right”, are in full support of removal of two actual civil rights spelled out in the constitution, the first and second amendments?

  5. @Not me…”Minister of disinformation.”

    More like Mister of Disinformation. Looks like Quentin Tarantino in drag.

    And Tony R, wouldn’t you know that Biden was against Roe v. Wade way back when? Not like he’ll remember, or the govt media will mention it.

  6. First thought was ‘g’head, they’ll regret losing all credibility.’ Second thought was ‘if the communist pedophiles were worried about credibility they would have fired Jen Psaki.

  7. Oh yamean a fraudulently installed government wasn’t enough?

    Please nigga, Patrick Henry and his boyz would have been stacking bodies years ago. They fucking rebelled over a 3 cents tax on tea.

  8. Not aspiring dictators, it has been brewing since FDR, and really even before. The snowball really started to roll down the hill during LBJ. Then the train wreck of Jimmy Carter. Ronald Reagan slowed our decline during his terms. George H.W.? Meh. Then slick Willie with his batshit crazy wife whispering in his ear, thinking she was going to be next. W. Bush was nothing more than a weasel who the media was able to destroy in his second term with polling numbers in the 20’s. Then the jug eared messiah, who so desperately wanted to be considered a king, still does evidently. DJT caught them on their back foot for awhile, then the machine recovered & showed him the door. Now, we have a husk of a man, who has wanted to wear the ring his entire life, along with his disgusting whore of a wife. In what passes for his mind, he will make sure that we all will see his magnificent brilliance. Even if you have to starve to death or pay $10 a gallon for fuel while he works his magic intellect. Hence, a dictator.

  9. Sorry, forgot to include Richard Nixon after LBJ. Even though Henry Kissinger was part of the cabal of crooks. Again, the media & the democrats got what they wanted with Watergate. Woodward & Bernstein rode that wave into the ground. Bob Woodward is still dining out in high style because of the series of stories.

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