Do We Have to Take Them Back? – IOTW Report

Do We Have to Take Them Back?


President Trump holds a remarkable disposition for providing grace, forgiveness and acceptance. I do not possess such an admirable skillset.

The Club for Growth and David McIntosh were/are the vehicle behind Ron DeSantisโ€™ political career. The CfG organization organized donors, groups, PAC support and operated as an attack mechanism against President Trump and the MAGA movement for the past several years. More

13 Comments on Do We Have to Take Them Back?

  1. They say it’s best to keep your enemies closer. I don’t necessarily agree but it’s Trump’s decision and not mine.
    Personally I see snakes in the grass and think cutting the head off the snake is a good idea. But that’s me and I hate snakes.

  2. Keep your friends close and your enemy closer.
    Trump did that and got stabbed in the back by many of his friends and all of the enemy. It’s more than obvious that evil has taken over our formerly great country and Trump was standing between the evil and the people of the USA. We are now on the cusp of a full blown nuclear war with Russia and I have to pray that Trump will be able to take office and stop this before war breaks out.
    NO, don’t take back the enemy, they are still the enemy.

  3. It’s nice to believe that our system works, even though it no longer does. I love faking reality and feeling good about it. Don’t you?

    Ah, shucks, give ’em another chance! If they can help Trump get stuff done, great. If they try to torpedo him, fuck ’em in the ass and blow their heads off.

    Wait. I was feeling good there for a minute. Crap. Fuck it. Blow their heads off!

  4. “President Trump holds a remarkable disposition for providing grace, forgiveness and acceptance…”.

    This is perhaps the reason he picked so many wrong people in his first administration, such as Mattis and Burr.

  5. Quite frankly it has gone way beyond just “the other side” or “political competition”.
    The democRAT National Socialist Party is hell bent for leather to destroy the nation and that’s Treason. There is no denying what they intend to do since they’ve been doing it unfettered for the three 1/2 years!!

  6. I don’t hate snakes….. but I do hate communism/progressivism.


  7. Snakes actually have God-given purposes.

    Demonrats/Nazis/Communists/Socialists/Progressives/Fascists/izlamists – whatever the nihilistic totalitarians call themselves this week – have Satan-given purposes.

    Yuge difference.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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