Do You Believe in Symbolism? – IOTW Report

Do You Believe in Symbolism?

The sun cracks through gloomy sky the moment the Chief Justice, Roberts, is asked to swear Trump into office.


32 Comments on Do You Believe in Symbolism?

  1. I thought it was symbolic when on election day the sun shown all over the country from East coast to West.

    And now the sun shines through just at that moment in the inauguration, and then a light rain (which is also a blessing described in the Bible = probably because living in the desert rain was considered a blessing).

    All I know is that we dodged a HELLA bullet.

  2. Don’t tell the adjunct professor of divinity, Dr. Sweaty Thumb. On the radio today, he schooled Franklin Graham on the meaning of rainfall, lecturing that it is not a sign of blessing at all. What a nitpicking, wet rag douchebag he is.

  3. When we got married in Scotland, it drizzled. Our minister said the same thing. Mr. Illustr8r and I both looked at each other and smiled. πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’•

  4. I think weather is uncaring of man and his follies. Lived and worked in it close to a half century now and have always paid attention to it. I have no evidence it notices us at all.

    But screw the weather anyway. We just elected a man who just affirmed he is taking on the largest, best funded enemy force that threatens American Citizens.

    Their Government.

    God bless that man and his labors.

  5. Illustr8r, my mom (who is also Scottish by the way) told us kids many times that rain on a wedding day is good luck.

    I thought and wondered about that today when I saw that it started to rain just as Trump was about to be sworn in.

  6. I just wanna say that in the darkest times of this election, I turned to all of you at IOTW for encouragement. When issues were cloudy to me, your input helped me to make up my own mind. When it seemed we’d be forced to endure HilLIARy, you all gave me hope. When I felt downtrodden, y’all made me laugh out loud.

    I’ve never met any of you, yet you feel like community.

    Thank you. Thank you all.

    For the first time in eight years I feel hope is attainable again, even in the face of losing my job after 37 years. Screw it. It’s time to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. God bless you all for who you are and what you do.

    To those of you that drink, I raise a beer to you! To you tea-totalers, I envy your sobriety! What a great buncha folks!!!!!

    Let’s celebrate this wondrous gift bestowed upon us! YEE HAW!

    Happy Inauguration Day, everybody!

  7. Yep, sure do believe. Have experienced a few times as well and all divinely positive. One photo that I have, there is no way for me to come up with an explanation of ‘why’ to this day, except…

  8. We were there, rather my husband was at the swearing in, and I went to the parade area just before the swearing in was over. He got a picture of the sun breaking through. He said every one was exclaiming over the sun beaming through. “OH, look at that! Look at that!”

  9. I feel so good right now. I just quit a job I really disliked and have a replacement one that also leaves me time to write (in the a.m.) , and I’m also, with some mentorship, pursuing various writing/editing opportunities, also have two fairly large editing jobs coming my way. I’m also writing a 1066 story and a collection of novellas, and am trying to finish illustrations for a book of poetry that is otherwise ready.

    This morning my son stayed home long enough to watch the inauguration, and we both were simply pleased as punch. At work someone came in who talked about Jesus and his experiences, and it reminded me that sometimes we are unexpectedly put in a position whereby we can serve others, even if it means just shutting our yaps and listening.

    Now I am home from my just-quit (evening) job and my son is at a friend’s house working on a presentation (they chose T.E. Lawrence, wouldn’t have been my first choice but I’m fairly impressed he is aiming for substance) so between that me time here at home and being done with this job I grew to dislike, I feel such a sense of freedom–and it’s weird to remind myself that I don’t have to go back there anymore. And then I come here and see so many words of happiness from you all, and it makes me feel really happy.

    On top all all that I have been really sick lately (and on and off for months), but now am getting better and have that feel-better feeling, as if you are emerging form a dark place into the sunlight and you feel like opening up, stretching and being alive again…**doing stuff**.

    Most of this doesn’t really have anything to do with today’s events, but the timing is perfect, so many things together at once, as if it were planned, and it does contribute to my happiness at the day, and seeing my peeps shining so brightly. I pray fervently that all of you will see many, many blessings coming at you soon and always.

    Dear Lord, please accept my humble prayer of gratitude that You have led our great nation closer to where she needs to be, and may we continue to journey on the path You set out for us.

  10. We got up this morning and my 7 year old said,
    “THAT’s Trump the president!” on TV.

    Then we celebrated her birthday here in Guam.

    Enjoy the new world and the new weekend when you
    get there.

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