Do you know who this is? – IOTW Report

Do you know who this is?

Imagine being held down and beaten, and you look up and recognize the beater, and you piss yourself.

Daily Mail-

Now aged 46, and no longer an actor, Stephens was driving an Audi RS6 when he lost his temper, jumped out of his car and thumped the two cyclists, smashing one of their helmets.

Stephens, who admitted two offences of assault causing actual bodily harm and one of criminal damage, learned his fate on a date synonimous with superstition and bad luck.

The road rage incident occurred near Westerham, Kent, on August 21 last year.

Stephens lost his temper as Mark Richardson overtook Alex Manley. He attacked both men and damaged Mr Manley’s £120 cycling helmet. Both were sitting astride their bikes when they were punched.

The court heard Stephens was red-faced, shouting and swearing, and knocked Mr Richardson off his bike and unconscious with a single blow to his jaw.

When Mr Manley attempted to intervene, he was then punched and pushed until he fell back onto a grassbank, still with his cycle between his legs as his feet were strapped into the pedals.

Stephens then held him down and hit him six or seven times. Mr Manley later told police Stephens was in a ‘complete rage’ and had ‘completely lost control’.

The incident only came to a halt when another motorist got involved.

Read more:

It was Damien, from The Omen

ht/ js

15 Comments on Do you know who this is?

  1. Speaking of road rage, my insurance broker just called to inform that my auto and home policy is going up about 5% for 2017. Why? Because as I’ve said before, there’s an influx of dumb fcuks in Illinois, all the smart people are leaving. The next reason is because of all the safety gadgets manufacturers are putting on vehicles. A simple fender bender now includes cross traffic/backup sensors and rear view cameras.

    Fcuk that! What happens to my premiums if I raise my deductibles?

    I’ve never made a claim in my life and I’m getting older, my rates should be declining not going up because of the dumb fcuks that surround me!

  2. “Anyone who straps their feet to the pedals”

    Ha Ha. I kicked one of these idiots over once while he was clipped in. Asshole was in the middle of our narrow road and I guess he thought I was following to close behind so he started flipping me off and screaming NASTY words. So I got around him a waited for him at the bottom of the hill. What an idiot.

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