Do You Support Human Trafficking and Child Endangerment? – Dr. David Dinkweaver – IOTW Report

Do You Support Human Trafficking and Child Endangerment? – Dr. David Dinkweaver

Considering the massive crisis at the southern border, where humans are being trafficked, kids are being abused, women are being raped and other untold crimes are being committed, since the new president was selected, if you voted for Biden, then you support all of this.

If you voted for Biden…

you support human trafficking. That is exactly what is happening now that this new administration changed the rules and sent out the message of an “OPEN BORDER.”

One of the top priorities of the Trump administration was to combat human trafficking across our southern border and around the world.  But it seems Democrats do not realize that the Cartels are using these people for money, drug trafficking and sex slaves.  Joe Biden and his minions have singlehandedly dismantled an immigration process that was WORKING, with cooperation from Mexico, El Salvador, and other Central American countries.  They have created a crisis and you voted for it.

If you voted for Biden…

you support women being raped and children being endangered.  Young children are being sent across the border by themselves, because Biden says that “no children will be denied entry.”  Can you imagine parents sending their kids across a border, into a new country with no knowledge of what will happen to them?  On a long trek from Central America, do you think traffickers are coddling and treating the accompanied women with respect and kindness?  Some are being used as sex slaves during the trip, and afterward once they get in.  They are promised service jobs, only to find out they are going to be forced into prostitution.  This is a humanitarian crisis and you voted for it.

If you voted for Biden…

you support Americans losing their lives due to drug overdoses.  The cartels are using open borders to increase their drug trafficking efforts.  Drugs like fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and others are being carried across the border by these illegal aliens and sold on the streets in cities across the country.  The more drugs that come across, the easier it is for teenagers to purchase, abuse, and overdose.  This is a horrific situation and you voted for it.

If you voted for Biden…

you let your hatred for Donald Trump taint your values of human decency and doing what is right.  You decided that your hatred for one man superseded your common sense and desire to do what’s right for American CITIZENS.  You decided that ousting a President that was keeping his promises, creating jobs, lifting up minorities with targeted programs, establishing energy independence, standing up to China, supporting our military, avoiding and ending wars, reducing regulation, reducing taxes, and promoting patriotism, was so important to you that you were willing to allow our country to be destroyed.  It is being destroyed and you voted for it.

Let us hope you see the error in your ways and vote differently in the next election.

-Dr. David Dinkweaver

P.S.  Jen Psaki is a friggin liar.  Watch the White House Press Secretary fumble her words and lie through her teeth, blaming everything on the prior administration.  It is what the democrats do.  They point the finger and never take responsibility for their own failed actions and policies.

13 Comments on Do You Support Human Trafficking and Child Endangerment? – Dr. David Dinkweaver

  1. “…you support women being raped and children being endangered.”

    …you support CHILDREN being raped too. You betcha.

    Some being imported for that very purpose.

    …but don’t expect whatever’s left of The Pedophile Poser to care,

    …because he’s a child rapist from way back HIMSELF, worked for one in the LAST Democrat White House, and by all accounts, works for child rapists still…

  2. All part of the cloward piven plan being executed in plain sight.
    Crash the system, demoralize the citizens, become the savior with a socialized society. The collateral damage is irrelevant. The end result is all that matters.

  3. All things Biden is doing, they’re the things he was elected to do. They are the things he said he would be doing.

    With the possible exception of being hard line against China, but we’ll see how long that lasts.

  4. It works like this anonymous.. they’re trafficked across the border on the credit plan.
    They pledge repayment upon gainful employment in the US. If they breach the contract and fail to repay, their fam members in their home countries are the collateral, and you can imagine the stiff penalties! For those families are already here, MS-13 and the likes will take care of them on this side of the border.

    Now that we’re in a covid economy, and jobs are scarce, you can imagine that when the bennies (cash, covid stimulus, EBT etc) don’t stretch far enough to make the “monthly” payment, crime is their only option…and these are desperate ppl, willing to traverse a dangerous trek to get here. They ain’t leaving.

  5. The Truth explained the process very well. Thank for that. Helps give color to actually what’s happening to these people who are attempting to cross the border illegally.

  6. BRAVO!!!!

    THIS must be said!

    Neo Dem Leftist Marxist Communists child traffickers….FOR FUCKING VOTES!!!!



    And the Dem House just approved a new Dreamers Act?



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