Do You Trust the Plan? – IOTW Report

Do You Trust the Plan?

Do you trust the plan, as Q commands?

Sundance doesn’t. In fact, he says the narrative of “trust the plan,” which was benign in the past, has now flipped into a very dangerous proposition.


ht/ michelle’s big beaver

17 Comments on Do You Trust the Plan?

  1. ….but…but…but…47,543,782,456 sealed indictments, and Sessions is SUCH a silent assassin he had to be kicked out to be convincing, and of COURSE the Democrats took the House because
    Maxine Waters is REALLY a white hat Trump supporter…/s


    Ok, pretty sure THAT’S been debunked now, I think the REAL plan needs to involve all of US stocking up on brass and getting some range time, for when we are ALL called to do our 2A Constitutional duty to protect the LAWFULLY elected President of the United States…

  2. The Federalist ran an article a week ago exposing the Q hoax by one of its originators. Although he has dropped out, others are making money from it so they keep it going.

    I know some here are Q believers but there were too many times that Q told us things that weren’t true (Hillary was arrested in October, 2017. Hillary is wearing and ankle bracelet, trust Rosenstein, trust Sessions it would all be exposed in June, July, August…) and too many times when Q didn’t have any clue about major info coming out – like the texts.

    Q speaks in generalities as questions so you can interpret to suit your wishful thinking.

    My biggest clue was when Q kept showing the presidential pen to prove he was close to the president. Only problem – every presidential pen has the president’s signature on it. Q NEVER showed a pen with Trump’s signature. NEVER.

    Do you believe in coincidences?

  3. Trump hits back hard when attacked. If there is no plan, what should one assume? Is corruption beyond our control? Should we accept the idea of a country ruled by a panel of corrupt judges and election officials? As Trump says, “We’ll have to wait and see.” I guess we will.

  4. Don’t make the mistake of over complicating all of this. Someone’s involved theory is more of a mental exercise for the author than it is the truth.

    It is politically incorrect to label what is going on in America as Good versus Evil. Even so, I would call the good as being the deplorable fundamentally grounded people of the nation and the evil being the communists and socialists who want to destroy the republic

    It is in this way that we see the true threat to our nation. The portion of the nation that wants to change it is confronted with the part that does not.

    Q and theories all about plots and plans is a waste of time. The battles are still fought in the streets and not on the editorial pages.

  5. Conservatives believe in Q. Liberals believe in Trump’s impeachment.
    Atheists believe there’s no invisible Guy In The Sky.

    Right now I believe I’ll go get another cup of covfefe.


  6. Sundunce doesn’t mention that Q refers to Whittaker only twice
    (posts 2459 and 2462…which I had to look up, since I haven’t been following it and last refuse didn’t cite anything)
    and in no way suggests a “connection” of any sorts between Whittaker and Trump.

    Sorry, this guy is sounding more and more unhinged as the Trump Administration moves forward. Sad!

    I read both (Q and CTH) occasionally, and take both with a grain of salt.
    Analysis is good; research and INSTINCT/common sense is better.

  7. Q has provided more entertainment in the last year than I could have hoped for. Sundance is less entertaining but still interesting. Nobody is right or has flawless insight, even me. I need to get my Q cup and fill it to the rim with covfefe and get my day started.

  8. “I read both (Q and CTH) occasionally, and take both with a grain of salt.
    Analysis is good; research and INSTINCT/common sense is better.”

    Well put. But the flip side of that is why would you totally ignore a sometimes credible source of info. I’d say that for Q and The Tree House.

  9. You take of Q what you make of it. Thinking for yourself the goal. As tiring treason/sedition every day is, sanctimonious pundits telling us what to think are just as bad. That is not Journalism, it is manipulation.

    There is gold in every pile of river silt. Trusting a plan is avoidance.

  10. whatever and who ever is Q, it is a tool to point people in certain directions so they may OBTAIN TRUTHS, PROOFS, AND INFORMATION themselves rather than be spoon fed shit by any corporate or government entity. or simply so they may shift the paradigm and optics on what is going on with a government that was suppose to be of, by, and for the people. from the beginning, the Q entity has said outright that disinformation would be used, that things would not and could not be telegraphed. the point is waking Americans up to think for themselves and open their eyes to what i think most of us can agree has been decades of abuse by our elected officials and the use of our own government against our interests both personal and as a nation. nothing that happened or is happening now following the midterms disproves or invalidates Q. we all KNOW, at least here, that Democarts rely on voter fraud and have for years and the Republicants refused to confront it directly ( they couldn’t because of the now ended 1982 Consent Decree ). now this fraud is being exposed on a blatant level, opening the door for not only federal auditing of voting but a federal voter ID law. with Sessions departure, “The Hammer” has been brought in to clean house and execute at least some of those sealed indictments. when the dust clears, i think we will find that the Democrats are going to pay a heavy price for their voter fraud, finally, and that the Obama- Hillary Axis of Evil chickens are going to start really coming home to roost. over 50 years of fuckery and corruption doesnt go away in 2 years and the treasonous within our own government are very very entrenched- and have been entrenched before i for one was even born. if you are willing to research, do your own digging, and use logic instead of being manipulated by your emotions, Q and the anons provide ample amounts of information and directions to pursue . the point is to become aware.

  11. The problem with Q is that it is rather like interpreting Nostradamus or The Book of Revelations, or left over tea leaves in your cup: you see what you want.

    Sundance gives you an interpretation you can accept or ignore, but you don’t have to squint your brain into a fog to understand it. …Lady in Red


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