Doctor Gives Donald Trump a Physical: ‘The President Is in Excellent Health’ – IOTW Report

Doctor Gives Donald Trump a Physical: ‘The President Is in Excellent Health’

Big Government: President Donald Trump went to Walter Reed Military Hospital for a physical on Friday, before leaving town for the weekend to visit his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida.

“The President’s physical exam today at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center went exceptionally well,” said Walter Reed physician Dr. Ronny Jackson in a short statement. “The President is in excellent health.”  more

16 Comments on Doctor Gives Donald Trump a Physical: ‘The President Is in Excellent Health’

  1. Glad to hear it. But not surprised.

    Lifelong nondrinker, nonsmoker, no drugs.
    Up and working at 6 AM every morning.
    The man has incredible energy and drive.
    He did 16 hour days throughout the 2015/2016 campaign, nonstop.
    He’s a phenomenon.

    And he’s #OurPresident.

  2. See, eat McDonalds hamburgers, drink several diet Coca Colas a day, and you get a clean bill of health. That outta send the liberals into a tizzy! Off to McDonalds for a Big Mac, fries and a diet Coke! Wonder what all the arm chair doctors have to say about this–and even the real doctors who chimed in on what it does to ones body. Pull their licenses!

  3. A member of Congress was concerned that Walter Reed Hospital is not that wide or long, and if too many people were inside, he was afraid it might tip-over and capsize.

    But Trump needs a mental evaluation…..

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