“Doctor” Jill Biden allows unjabbed into white house, it’s just that they can’t eat or drink – IOTW Report

“Doctor” Jill Biden allows unjabbed into white house, it’s just that they can’t eat or drink

Jill is a Karen; make no mistake about it. She is cut from the same cheesecloth as the dolts on Twitter who won’t allow unjabbed family members into their houses on holidays.

I have not read one explanation for this behavior that makes any sense whatsoever.

What danger would I pose, unjabbed, to someone that is? I pose the same threat as any jabbed family member that is contagious with the virus. In fact, if what they say is true, that I would suffer greater symptoms than someone “inoculated”, I would be more apt to stay home than someone that is experiencing some sniffles.

If you have minor symptoms, it doesn’t mean you are carrying a minor form of the virus.

Daily Wire-

First Lady Jill Biden has invited a bunch of congressional spouses for a social event at the White House, which features some of the best food anyone could ever eat.

But anyone who’s unvaccinated won’t get a bite, according to a new report.

“Erika Donalds, wife to freshman Florida Congressman Byron Donalds, a pro-Trump, staunchly conservative Republican, tweeted a screenshot of the first lady’s COVID-19 guidelines for the event, and they’re even more arbitrary and discriminatory than you might expect,” Western Journal reported.

“First Lady Jill Biden was kind enough to invite me & the other Congressional spouses to a reception at the White House,” she wrote on Twitter. “I just have to take a COVID test, & as an unvaccinated person (with natural immunity) I won’t be allowed to eat, drink, or talk to anyone. Should be a blast!”

How idiotic…

11 Comments on “Doctor” Jill Biden allows unjabbed into white house, it’s just that they can’t eat or drink

  1. Jill you are a mental patient 🤪just like the rest of your family.

    You all should be sitting in a cell for the rest of your born days, not the White House.

    By the way Jill, you are a fake doctor just like your fraud of a husband posing as President. 🤬

  2. I can’t believe they are still putting on this show. Most everyone I know who got the coof was previously jabbed. Hardly any of my unjabbed acquaintances ever got it. On top of that, everyone I’ve asked about it echos the same experience.

  3. Anyone. Which, yes, means everyone. Who disagrees with “Slap in the face, immediately, everyone… anyone… who insists she have a voice… And then kick them to the ground, if they squeal ‘Why?’…” needs to be disappeared.


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