Doctor makes ‘Holoportation’ call to ISS – IOTW Report

Doctor makes ‘Holoportation’ call to ISS

NASA Beamed a Doctor to The ISS in a World-First ‘Holoportation’ Achievement.

Science Alert:

There’s never been a house call quite like this. In a first for telepresence communication, a NASA flight surgeon was ‘holoported’ to the International Space Station (ISS), appearing and conversing as a virtual presence in real time, hundreds of miles above the surface of Earth.

If it sounds like Star Trek, you’re not too far off. (after all, Star Trek: Voyager did feature an artificial physician who was a holographic projection.)

But this isn’t science fiction. When NASA flight surgeon Josef Schmid was beamed up to the ISS in October of last year, the illusion was made possible thanks to Microsoft’s ‘holoportation’ technology, which lets users interact with 3D representations of remote participants in real time.

“This is [a] completely new manner of human communication across vast distances,” says Schmid. “It is a brand-new way of human exploration, where our human entity is able to travel off the planet.”

12 Comments on Doctor makes ‘Holoportation’ call to ISS

  1. So why did my Doctor ask me to open up my ass and and bend over in front of my laptop?

    … and what was with the Barry White playing softly in the Background?

  2. “… human entity … “

    “you keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means” ~ Inigo Montoya

    & the Vulcan sign???
    what next? “Klaatu barada nikto”?

  3. “Uh, Doc? All I see is blue ocean…”

    “Oh. That’s Microsoft. It’s their ‘Blue Screen Of Death.’ Try not to let it bother you.”

    “Thanks a lot, Doc, but I don’t feel good.”

    “Take two tablets in the Blue pouch and call me in the morning. But maybe not on a Blue Screen. Got something else?”

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