Doctor recommends changing “fully vaccinated” to “up to date” – IOTW Report

Doctor recommends changing “fully vaccinated” to “up to date”

Read between the lines. You will never be “fully vaccinated” for Covid. We told you this all along.

When our resident regular went nutso on us, we tried to say as much. He called us “irresponsible loons.”

If everyone got a Covid shot tomorrow, that does not eradicate Covid.

22 Comments on Doctor recommends changing “fully vaccinated” to “up to date”

  1. I guess those of us who didn’t fall for the bullshit are feeling pretty smug right about now. This is one of those points in history where not everyone got fooled, but plenty did. Greatest deadly hoax ever played on humans. Grateful I didn’t take the bait. A few doctors and professionals were sacrificed “for the good” of course. I wonder how their families are dealing with the fact that their loved ones were lied to?

  2. That doctor, and those like her are a serious part of the problem. They have ruined any trust in the medical community that I had. She needs to be vaxxed as many times as she can tolerate it so we can study the effects of many doses.

  3. Slightly OT. Have you ever noticed the Brain Dead MoFos that are riding around in their cars BY THEMSELVES wearing a mask are also the people most likely to wreck you.

  4. When our resident regular went nutso on us, we tried to say as much. He called us “irresponsible loons.”

    Who was that? Mr. Pinko? JUST KIDDING!!! LOL!

  5. Every day the thought goes through my mind,”Is this the day I lose my daughter?”
    She is one who fell for the lies, despite my pleading with her not to be a lab rat.

  6. The thrice vaxxed PM of Canada tweeted today:

    “I’ve tested positive for COVID-19. I’ll be following public health guidelines and isolating. I feel okay, but that’s because I got my shots. So, if you haven’t, get vaccinated – and if you can, get boosted. Let’s protect our healthcare system, each other, and ourselves.”

    Not for the first time I might add.

  7. This vaccination is ALL you will need for 100% protection…..
    Well it only protects 90%…. 80%…. 50%…. 30%….
    The booster is all you need.
    You need a second booster to be fully vaccinated……
    You may need a third…. fourth…. fifth booster.
    You will need annual boosters.
    You may need a booster every month.

    The reality is you will be forced jabs until the Government is certain you are dead.

  8. I will never voluntarily take another shot of anything they offer. I waited and watched the COVID shots and glad I did. Medical community lost all credibility on shots, vaccinations, therapies, the whole lot. Don’t even trust the tetanus vaccine at this point. Rotten money grubbing butt sniffing status whores. Credentials don’t mean shit, performance does.

  9. I quit my own doctor when he kept asking me am I “up to date with my vaccines and covid vaxx”. Told him I’m still thinking about it (2 years later) which I’m not, then dumped the sinister slob. These days my family and I seek out holistic docs and their advice/counseling (mercola and naturalnews dotcom). Add that organic oregano essential oil taken internally addresses numerous viruses; magnesium L-threonate for night leg cramps.)


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