Doctor to conservative female: Die soon, liberals are waiting for your organs – IOTW Report

Doctor to conservative female: Die soon, liberals are waiting for your organs

dr. reneh k death to conservative

Early Sunday morning, a Twitter user identified as Dr. Reneh Karamians, went online to spread hatred against conservatives, telling one female she needs to “die soon” because liberals need her organs. The tweet and the account have since been deleted, but not before the message was captured for posterity.

“Seriously,” he told Harriet Baldwin on Twitter. “Die soon.” After inserting a “smiley,” he continued. “[T]here are liberals waiting for [your] organs.”

In another tweet, Karamians said that another person’s posts upsets him. It is difficult to determine who the tweet was aimed at, but he continued, adding that he is a young doctor while the target of his message is an “old nothing.”

“U will be dead very soon!!!” he added in his short message. “Yay!!!!!” In another message, he said the GOP is made up of older people and “unfortunately, they are dying off.”

According to the bio on his now-deleted Twitter account, Karamians is a neuropsychology resident at St. Jude Medical Center. We were unable to independently verify that, but a page at Research Gate shows that Karamians has written at least four publications. Another Twitter user noted that Karamians’ GPS coordinates appeared on his bio.


26 Comments on Doctor to conservative female: Die soon, liberals are waiting for your organs

  1. I’m currently engaged in the special hell that is medical school – but I’m doing it because I love medicine and the accomplishment of helping my fellow man. I could never imagine saying such callous and stupid things, especially in such an immature manner. When you take your oath as a physician, it is not conditional. Which ‘medical school’ did this clown get accepted to?

  2. The right way to deal with this filth is to report him in writing, in the form of an allegation and complaint of being unfit and misconduct, to the California Stat Medical Authority or whomever does his licensing.

    Make him pay. Put him under formal investigation and force to hire an attorney for a formal hearing. Create a record of complaints and a negative history. He will need an attorney, maybe pay fines and be suspended.
    He will get negative ratings and, most important, this could be great at evidence for when someone sues him for MALPRACTICE.

    Believe me, and I’m not a medical professional, he does not want that. That’s why he took that down so quick. Someone warned him to what I’m saying and he panicked. Fight these liberal/leftist haters to win. Be vicious like them. Fight like a street fighter, not an RNC faggot. I will be writing a letter on Monday.

  3. I wish you well, SoCal.

    There is a social “mess” going on, today. Simplistically, it is the people who believe that God is in charge of life and death and people should be willing to die on a stick, rotated so as to not incur bed sores (and to maximize profit for nursing homes) and… wait for God to call them home, suffering, horribly, with no quality of life, and….

    …people who believe that no one’s getting out of this gig alive, so have fun, be strong — and leave a good looking corpse….

    …for others? …smile… I’d like my parts to be useful.…

    At the other end, it is the silliness of believing that every “cute” little “people puppy” must be born, regardless of suffering of the little “people puppy’s” life. Sad. And the adjunct sadness.

    Life and death are natural, to be respected, always. At the same time, neurotic, overly emotional reverence — causing unnecessary, prolonged pain — at both ends of the life/death spectrum — is a fad I hope will not be long-lived.

    ….Lady in Red

  4. Great. Hopefully the slime will post it instead of telling you “it violates their policy” bullshit and covering up for him. I have to do some some research later and find out how to best make allegations against him. His violation of the code of ethics, lack of self control, mental instability, and apparent propensity for violence disqualifies him to give mental health care to innocent people. We must protect the innocent and have his license revoked… He is not even fit to give mental health care to our dolphins.

  5. If you know how to place a craigslist ad, you can also link the article there and it will come right up when they google him. Plus commentary about this dangerous, violent, liberal hate monster.

  6. Thank God he’s not involved with St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and just the research end. I’d hate to think of that monster interacting with children and their families.

  7. I was just thinking of poisoning myself at the end of my life, so that when my organs are transplanted into a Libtard (I would have to be specific about voting record and political affiliation), I would kill them too. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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