Doctors around world say COVID-19 may be losing its potency, becoming less deadly – IOTW Report

Doctors around world say COVID-19 may be losing its potency, becoming less deadly

Doctors in Italy, Israel and U.S. say the coronavirus may be losing its potency and becoming less deadly even as it spreads.

Just the News – Doctors across the world are offering preliminary but encouraging reports that the coronavirus may be losing steam and becoming less deadly: a behavior observed in at least one respiratory pandemic before, and a welcome sign for a world weary of nonstop COVID-19 fears. 

Optimism over the coronavirus has been in short supply since January, when public health officials and politicians began publicly and repeatedly speculating that COVID-19 may be a semi-permanent fixture of global life for the foreseeable future, possibly for years. more here

11 Comments on Doctors around world say COVID-19 may be losing its potency, becoming less deadly

  1. I’m thinking it was never really very deadly to start with, and has probably been around for quite a while.

    It just gained a lot of popularity as a political weapon when the Chinese decided to use it to deal with the protests in Hong Kong and the growing number of sympathizing dissenters on the mainland, a perfect excuse to eliminate people and dissent without catching too much flack from the rest of the world in the process.

  2. No shit. I’m not nearly as edumicated as these people and could have predicted this. There’s still a certain amount of herd immunity going on despite the powers to be best efforts to stop it.

  3. I think a lot of people, maybe most people, questioned it’s potency from the beginning. [or suspected the policies put in action were really destroy Trump presidency Plan-C] Not that it wasn’t deadly, just that it wasn’t more deadly than pandemics that have come before. Or other risks of daily living. If you avoided being as stupid as Gov. Fredo , your odds of surviving were high.

  4. Remdesivir – Up to $4,460 per patient.
    Hydroxycholoquine – Bakers Pharmacy, 60 tablets, Discount Price $14.95
    Follow the money. Fauci, full of shit.


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