Doctors, state officials and advocates push to pass legislation declaring racism a public health crisis in Virginia – IOTW Report

Doctors, state officials and advocates push to pass legislation declaring racism a public health crisis in Virginia

Richmond Times Dispatch:

Doctors, state officials and advocates in Virginia, which was home to the capital of the Confederacy and the birthplace of slavery in the U.S., endorsed legislation Friday that would declare racism a public health crisis.

A quick 13-5 vote along party lines in the House Rules Committee sent HJ537, proposed by Del. Lashrecse Aird, D-Petersburg, to the largely Democratic House floor.

If passed, Virginia would become the sixth state in the country to declare racism as a determinant of health.

“This is the bare minimum,” Aird said in a media briefing Friday. “It took us over 400 years to get here. The circumstances, the structures, the institutions, they took 400 years to build, and they won’t be torn down overnight.”

The legislation calls for expanding the Virginia Department of Health’s Office of Health Equity to analyze policy efforts and offer funding recommendations, making permanent the Commission to Examine Racial Inequity and requiring implicit bias training for elected officials and state employees.

It also pushes to promote community engagement and establish an outline of terms and definitions regarding racism and health equity. more

h/t PHenry

24 Comments on Doctors, state officials and advocates push to pass legislation declaring racism a public health crisis in Virginia

  1. Sure, why not? The CDC turned firearms into a disease for which only white people must be treated, and everybody knows only white people are susceptible to racism, so bring on the racism quarantines and re-education camps!

    /sarc off

  2. I fully expect to see much more of this kind of manipulation. The extremists have become so brazen they no longer feel the need to cloak they’re diabolical intentions.
    Make sure your bore is clean and everything is oiled and ready. It won’t be long now!

  3. The Left has had a total win so they are now totally without control or restraint from anywhere to keep the at least somewhat sane. It’s going to expand like an octopus’s squirt of ink in the ocean till it encompasses everything around it.

    This isn’t going to change, not in our lifetimes, so get used to it and start trying how to live with it without beng crushed by it as it progresses.

  4. I was thinking this morning of when I was young, back in the 1970s, I worked at the biggest department store in Georgia and the manager of the men’s department was a black man and the fashion coordinator was a beautiful black woman, and the heads of store design and of the beauty salon were homosexual men, and no one complained or said anything about it. My mother, who is 87 now, had no problem socializing with any of them, nor did anyone I knew. No one felt the need to TALK about it, we just lived our lives. Things have gotten so much worse and polarized since then. The “Progressives” did this.

  5. If racism actually were as bad as they are making it out to be … they would all be hiding in their biden basements. Like I said in an earlier post, racism… or should I say perceived racism is a billion dollar a year business. For the most part racism is a term used by liberals when they are on the losing end of an argument. Also the word coup is gaining traction in their vernacular… used to shout at anyone that disagrees with any form of unconstitutional govt policy or idea.

  6. @The-Mamomma

    Rich’s? I worked at the Lenox store Men’s department part-time, 82-86. Sounds like the same crew I worked with. We used to mess with the mannequins, and the display guys would get fussy. I remember the second floor men’s room was a no-go zone lol.

  7. @Thirdtwin Yes, it was Rich’s, but I worked at South Dekalb and Southlake. Although I frequented the downtown store and Lenox. Carey Carter and Mitchell Barnes ring a bell?

  8. Already done by the Summit County (Akron, OH) Health Department or so said the paper I picked up at Quacker Barrel some months ago. The Health Dept for got mention any basis in fact. Oh yeah and send money they need to implement an agenda.


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