Documentary Filmmaker Makes Stunning Admission: Reporters Didn’t Really Work Hard During the Obama Administration – IOTW Report

Documentary Filmmaker Makes Stunning Admission: Reporters Didn’t Really Work Hard During the Obama Administration

I don’t really know for sure if Liz Garbus is a lefty, but I’d give you 90-1 that she is because the Seattle Times called her “one of the finest documentary filmmakers working today.”

The idiots at the Seattle Times seem to not realize that the Garbage er, Garbus documentary is an unintended indictment of the leftist media.

It’s all about how exhausting it is for “The Fourth Estate” (the uninspired name of the film) during the Trump administration.

While meant to be some sort of insult at Trump, the documentary actually admits that the media, who claims there is no bias, didn’t work all that hard during the Obama administration. I guess they simply slept tight with their man in the white house, with no need to keep a close watch, or spend long investigative hours on a story because they felt their wasn’t a smidgeon of corruption, a dollop of dalliance off the leftist plantation, that would cause a reporter to stress or miss a kid’s soccer game.

Did they not realize this massive effort could, truthfully, be framed this way?

It should be retitled, “It’s Exhaustive Trying To Take Down A Presidency.”

Story HERE

Ht/ JD Hasty

14 Comments on Documentary Filmmaker Makes Stunning Admission: Reporters Didn’t Really Work Hard During the Obama Administration

  1. Wah, wah, wah. These supposed media watchdogs, the fourth estate, the defenders of democracy, these paragons of righteousness, all had four year reservations made in the Hamptons in contemplation of a Hillary Clinton presidency. It’s Hillary time – nothing to see here. Sure, it looks like a crime, but it’s not because it’s Hillary. Hillary isn’t selling out the nation for cold hard cash, she’s just a shrewd negotiator. If we don’t cover it, it doesn’t exist and we sure won’t and don’t cover Hillary Clinton very closely because she’s one of ours.

    Except oops – we got Donald Trump. Now, dammit, we have to dig for corruption and scandal and this is a tough, thankless job because Trump isn’t, well, Hillary Clinton. We can mail in our excuses and cover-ups for Hillary, but we have to manufacture something against Trump and this is very time consuming.

  2. Paging Mr. Sherlock Holmes! Paging Mr. Sherlock Holmes! Someone is on the telephone looking to find out if you can explain how the MSDM failed to investigate and discover a smidgeon of illegality or improper behavior in the most corrupt and incompetent administration in this country’s history.

  3. 0bama was never vetted, scrutinized, or investigated by the Media because they had one hand on his shaft and the other cupping his balls. Because of a biased Media, this nation cannot afford to elect a Black Liberal to the office of President, ever again.

  4. It still isn’t that hard of a job for them. They just regurgitate talking points fed to them by leftist organizations.
    The haven’t dug up shit in years, and yet they are just dogs.

  5. Associated:
    FBI Vault released the Jeffrey Epstein files today, a voluminous dump of mostly redacted records. However, there are numerous news articles (2004-2009) naming “who’s who” of famous people associated w/Epstein. 90% include the same names, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Larry Summers, Alan Derschowitz (his atty), Prince Albert, and millions in donations to politicians – all democrats (Schumer, Bill Richardson, NM, Spitzer).

    When referencing these famous “associates, it’s clearly stated they all took trips aboard the Lolita Express to Epstein homes in S. Africa and his private island in the VI’s. Know who’s name is the only one NOT listed among the frequent travelers? Not one time?


  6. Oh they’re only telling a half truth to cover a lie. True they didn’t work very hard at being real journalist. otoh , they worked very hard at being Obama’s propagandists & co conspirators .


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