“Does a person by the name of Eric Ciaramella ring a bell for you?” – IOTW Report

“Does a person by the name of Eric Ciaramella ring a bell for you?”

wash exam-

Top GOP investigator raised name Eric Ciaramella with impeachment witness.

“Does a person by the name of Eric Ciaramella ring a bell for you?” Castor asked, as seen in a transcript released Wednesday.

Taylor replied: “It doesn’t,” Asked whether he is certain if he has never had communications with a person by that name, Taylor said, “Correct.”

Ciaramella, 33, a career CIA analyst, was Ukraine director on the National Security Council during the end of the Obama administration and remained there during the early months of the Trump administration when he was briefly acting senior director for European and Russian affairs. On Oct. 7, the Washington Examiner reported that Ciaramella is now a deputy national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia on the National Intelligence Council, reporting to the director of national intelligence.

Republican lawmakers and their staff have used the impeachment proceedings against President Trump to collect information about Ciaramella. Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert raised Ciaramella’s name during an unrelated public hearing with Natalie Jaresko, Ukraine’s former finance minister, who is now executive director of the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico.


Schiff leaves name unredacted in transcript.

4 Comments on “Does a person by the name of Eric Ciaramella ring a bell for you?”

  1. Does the Hunchback of Notre Dame have a face you’re never going to forget? Are your ears ringing yet? Does this Whistle Blower need another meeting with Shifty Schiff to firm up their Sedition? So many unanswered questions. So many coincidences. If I didn’t know better, I’d almost believe that this Ciaramella fellow was curiously connected to the biggest political set up in history since Caesar went to the Roman Senate on the Ides of March.


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