Does Anyone Feel a Little Bit Sorry For Megan Kelly? – IOTW Report

Does Anyone Feel a Little Bit Sorry For Megan Kelly?

I didn’t think so.

The shrew made her bones as a “conservative” pundit on Fox, and opens her round of debate questioning, to the candidate with the best chance of sinking Hillary, with a torpedo attack.

Who is sad that her show is a bomb?

Celebrity Publicists Are Bailing on ‘Megyn Kelly Today’


In addition to widespread criticism and sluggish ratings, Megyn Kelly is facing another impending crisis. After three weeks on TV, celebrities aren’t rushing to sit down with her.

A number of publicists who spoke to Variety expressed discomfort with the idea of booking their clients in the third hour of “Today,” which has now been retitled “Megyn Kelly Today.” These publicists, however, said they are still eager to take their talent to other blocs of the morning show. “I’m not booking anyone on her show,” says a high-powered publicist, with a roster of big names, who asked for anonymity due to her overall relationship with “Today.” “I literally haven’t pitched anyone even from right out the gate. The buzz that is out there is so bad.”

Another well-known publicist, who represents one of the celebrities who has appeared on Kelly’s show, wasn’t pleased with the interview. “I won’t plan to have others go on,” the publicist said. “None specifically have been offered or asked to, but it’ll be my preference not to.”


She must be bleeding from her wherever.

ht/ fdr in hell


35 Comments on Does Anyone Feel a Little Bit Sorry For Megan Kelly?

  1. Maybe if she brought in Harvey what’s-his-name as a guest?? The look on her face (Election night 2016, after our president was declared) pretty much sealed her fate, IMHO. If you haven’t seen it, skip over to YouT and take a peek. Good for a laugh!

  2. I think she’s good-looking….on the outside…..inside?, not so much.
    I have absolutely no sympathy, she has whored herself into financial security and as such I couldn’t care less about her or her career.

  3. Nope. She honestly thought she’d trash Trump, bring him down and become a liberal hero and follow in Barbara Walters footsteps. How’d that work out?!! Those of us supporting Trump, still Winning!!!

  4. i used to watch her show on Fox until the first debate when she showed her true colors. Never watched her again and I do not feel sorry for her at all. She did this to herself.

  5. She should devote a whole show interviewing Geraldo Rivera stalking then breaking into Capone’s vault.

    Next show,on live TV, Glenn Beck gets a fat transplant from his butt to his forehead.

    I should produce the show, seriously.

  6. I don’t think the money is giving her solace.
    Money or not, she just learned she isn’t as well liked as she thought she was, and that hurts.
    Look at Hillary.
    She has 350 million bucks and she’s miserable.

  7. Kelly had a hand in getting Ailes fired and put him in the grave.
    She’s a backstabber.
    But she’s a multi-millionaire.
    It’s NBC that is taking it in the end.
    They gave her a $60M+ contract that they must pay no matter how lousy she is.

  8. I didn’t think about her that much until she pulled that crap on Trump at the first debate. Keep in mind, I was Cruz first, Trump second. But when she pulled that crap on Trump, I hit the ceiling. Tacky showboating little bitch.
    She should have just got up on stage and french-kissed JEB! and be done with it. Bitch. Did I mention she was a bitch? Because she is.


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