Does Anyone Have This Problem? Because I’ve Discovered The Cure – IOTW Report

Does Anyone Have This Problem? Because I’ve Discovered The Cure

This is a Mac power cord, and it’s a chronic problem for users of Mac laptops since they started making them.

I have the solution.

It’s not a snarky answer. It is a real solution.

No, it’s not tape. That makes it worse. It’s not rubber bands. It’s not “buy a new one.”

Let’s hear the failed solutions you have tried.

Or the successes.

I will tell you mine a little later, and it works.

43 Comments on Does Anyone Have This Problem? Because I’ve Discovered The Cure

  1. I am not exactly sure what I am looking at. Some kind of wire? My damned cats and dogs chew up wires. Sometimes we can fix it with wire strippers & cutters and splicing. But that is because I married a mechanic. I am not sure if I even used the right names for the tools/technique. So my โ€œsolutionโ€ is, ask the guy who fixes stuff if he can fix it or teach me how to do it. Which is the solution for most of the broken things here.

  2. Mac laptop cords are horrendous, and seem to be designed to fail so they can get another 75 bucks out of you.
    There is talk on the internet all the time about these sucky cords.
    I have found the fix!
    After years.

  3. OK I know it, because you told me how to do it. And it works. I’m about to do it for my ipad cord, too.
    Apple products are a complete pain in my ass the passed few months now. The last 2 updates… I can’t even.

  4. When the cord starts to bubble a bit near the magnet. (It’s from the heat.)
    Also, if it starts to yellow and gets a crack in the rubber. It usually happens around ten months in, but I use the laptop constantly.
    And I also use it everywhere, so the cord will rub on stuff.

    Also, if when you touch the cord it feels like it’s a bit hollow. There is room between the rubber and the inner cord. (It almost feels like it’s clicking a bit when you squeeze it.)

    These are all signs that it’s starting to go.
    But I have the solution… for a mere 40 dollars!!! lolololo

  5. I for one want a smaller photo, a little darker, and blurrier if possible. *Can’t offer a solution if I can’t even see what the problem is.

    BUT, if it’s just the outer coating, and the internal wires are not exposed or damaged, what usually works is SHRINK TUBE. It’s a black plasticky tube at Radio Shack, if you can still find one, and you use a soldering iron, rub it back and forth and the tube will shirk to the size you need it.

    But I like cumbersome “eye” products that are over-priced and charge you for things you can get totally free. Why pay for itunes, when you can download the music you want from youtube for free with an .mp3 converter? Or go to FREERIP and rip the .MP3 off of your friend’s CD and upload it to your phone?

    PAY for movies? You mean I shouldn’t borrow the CD from a friend, rip it to .MP4, then upload it to my phone for FREE?


  6. The solution is to hang it by the magnet end so it’s dangling straight down.
    Then slather the cord, from the magnet down, with Elmers School Room Gel. Run it down as far you like. (Where you stop will shed a bit over time, not a problem.)
    Do two coats.
    Don’t ever put tape on the cord.
    The glue from the tape reacts with the cord covering and makes it fall apart faster.

    The gel has lasted 6 months so far with no sign of additional wear.

  7. I’ve used shrink tube years ago and it didn’t work because when the Mac cord frays it’s because the wire has heated up and baked and it becomes super brittle. What happens is the Mag just breaks off because the shrink tube still has movement
    The gel acts like a splint for the section it’s applied because there is minimal amount of bend where you put it.

    What I never tried is Gel THEN the shrink tube.
    That would probably be the best solution.

  8. Bookmarked for future reference. Our destructo kitty, Madison, is a notorious cord chewer so all our cords are in sad shape (as is our dining room chairs, door frames and carpet).

  9. NO TAPE!!
    Trust me.
    The glue on the tape seems to have an appetite for the wire.
    It starts to dissolve it.

    And the shrink tube doesn’t seem to have the reversing properties the gel does.
    I’ve covered the wire and the “cancer” will emerge from beneath the shrink tube. (I’m telling you, Mac cords are designed to disintegrate.)
    The gel seems to stop the corrosion in its tracks.
    But a great idea would be to cover the gel with the shrink tube.
    NO TAPE!

  10. I buy Chinese knock offs on eBay, under $20. I have one everywhere I use the laptop. Battery has been dead for a while, so I have to stay tethered to the charger. Apple Store wants $125 for battery, no problem, but they want the computer for 10 days.

  11. Never had the extra money for a laptop and certainly not an overpriced Apple product.
    I don’t need another reason to sit on my little ass all day.
    My wife sits at work all day, comes home and continues sitting.
    Sitting for long periods shortens your life.

  12. ever notice that high quality products have a flexible cord covering that extends a few inches past the product housing? that is called a cord protector. it keeps the cord from kinking right where it exits the housing, thus preventing what Mr hat is experiencing. you can make your own with some rtv silicone calk and fine string. goop the calk around the cord exit and then wrap the strong around the cord in a conical shape that tapers out in about 2 inches.

  13. @BFH:

    Where you stop will shed a bit over time, not a problem.

    Not only is it not a problem, the shedding is very likely to help because it gradually moves the bending point over time. It is repeated bending at the same place, plus added heat, that causes the cord to break down.

  14. It’s political correctness I’d wager. Probably TPE instead of evil PVC insulation. If it is PVC it’s likely got one of the “green” plasticizers (which aren’t worth sh**).

  15. add another reason I can’t stand Crapple …. they’re so locked down & proprietary while spying on everything you do

    …’course, so does Google, Fakebook, Tweetie, etc.

  16. I don’t have the problem with the magnet end. It was the cord coming out of the power supply that got destroyed. We found instructions on how to open the power supply and Mr. Kakalogical fixed it up real nice for me, heat shrink and duct tape!

  17. I was going to recommend Sugru. I picked some up for my parent’s cables, but I also replaced the worn ones with braided replacements just beforehand, and haven’t had to use it yet. As it’s silicone based, how good a job do you think it would do?

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