Does anyone need an attitude adjustment tonight? – IOTW Report

Does anyone need an attitude adjustment tonight?

Please watch. You won’t regret it.

ht/ hd

41 Comments on Does anyone need an attitude adjustment tonight?

  1. My Mother always said: If we all got together and wrote our problems down on a 3X5 card and threw them to the middle of the table…. We would choose our own as we have no idea what those around us have been through…. I miss my Mom.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. That’s the kind of person this country produces.

    Snowflakes are nothing.

    Give us men like him and women like his wife and we can fight the darkness with God as our King.

    I really did need this today. Thank you, Fur and hd.

  3. Wow. What a tremendous spirit. God bless him and his wife and family. Boy, I really needed to see this, thank you for posting it. I’m going to send this one around to family and friends.

  4. What a guy. God Bless him and his family. Love his humor: “If a Marine can do it, I can do it.” LOL
    Remember, we have more than 20.000 wounded veterans since 2001. End this war Mr. Trump. Napalm the poppy fields. Have them plant something useful to their society. Bring our heroes home. Semper Fi.
    Thanks HD/BFH

  5. There’s more like him out there whether it be adults or some in the children’s wards like at St. Jude.

    Renews your faith in humanity and makes you want to help with their struggles and rehab.

    Thanks for the reminder Mr. Big

  6. My vision became all blurred up.

    Walter Reed was a pain in the ass place and some of their doctors and support staff weren’t worth a plate of cold beans, but it’s obvious that most of them are in fact Excellent.

  7. Reminds me of the late Concrete Bob. A Nam Marine who fought until his end against the code pinkos and beat them. A quiet hero that worked the outer gates of walter reed, every week, week after week, until code pink lost their spot due to their failure to renew their protest permit.

    Those code pinkos would hurl baby killer slander at soldiers well enough to go out for dinner on a Friday night.

    Bob beat code pink fair and square on his own.
    He took all four corners around the main gate and banished code pink to down the street. A useless spot.

    And we became fast friends. I sure miss that guy.

  8. I don’t think any other country on earth produces men like these. I am so proud of our brave American men, who face adversity yet can still smile and be an inspiration to others. God bless you, sir.

  9. You have to be in awe of the spirit & attitude of men like Travis Mills or Nick Vujicic ( the Australian guy born without limbs). I’ve often doubted I could do the same.

    Sometimes other’s stories puts your own problems into a proper perspective. I just arrived home from my 50 year high school reunion. My graduating high school class was a little over 200 people. 47 of my classmates have passed away. Several of them were classmates all the way from first grade. Some classmates at the reunion have serious health problems. I’m still here, and at the moment afaik in good health, though that could change five minutes from now. So, yeah, your other problems are small stuff viewed in proper perspective.

  10. That’s a real man. Life dishes shit out and it’s never fair. Never.
    He doesn’t want to be a victim.
    He doesn’t want anyone’s sympathy.
    He just wants his freedom.
    He’s also a naturally gifted speaker.
    His cadence is direct and informative, not floating the flowery bullshit out there like politicians do. He’s direct and inspiring.
    Kind of like someone else we know.
    He should be another non-politician and run for office.
    He’d be great as a true leader of men.
    I know I’d damn sure vote for him.

  11. Wow this man is amazing to face so many horrors and overcome fears and disasterous obstacles. What a marvelous inspiration he is to disabled and challenged folks as well as to all of us. Thankyou Ed.

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