Does Anyone Speak AOC? – IOTW Report

Does Anyone Speak AOC?

30 Comments on Does Anyone Speak AOC?

  1. Uhhhhh… Doesn’t a labor shortage in t-shirt manufacturing create a t-shirt shortage, which would raise the price not lower it. Same with labor shortages – fewer people looking for work combined with lack in ability to hire increases wages.

    And do we have a labor shortage? A buddy of mine can’t get work, and he has plenty of skills – jobs are being flooded with cheap, tax-free illegals.

    And if I don’t make sense, it’s probably because I actually listened and tried to understand AOC. My bad, but it’s been a bad day.

  2. What does a T-shirt cost have to do with the availability of labor?

    PS – If you want to pay $1 for a T-shirt just go to the Goodwill store. In the back they have tons of old, faded T-shirts marked $1.
    The parallel is – If you want unrealistically cheap labor just hang out in the Home Depot parking lot.
    In both cases you get what you pay for…

  3. She just made the case for free markets. I hope she understands that. Fat chance. Dumber than a box of rocks. This bitch wrecked dumb blonde jokes all by herself.

  4. Of course. There is a link between the cost of bowling balls and the number of ants in the average American back yard.

    AOC the economist will teach us all about it.

  5. Scary. buy I think I figured out what the “brilliant” AOC is saying.

    She’s equating employer expenses with an employee’s living expenses that determine how much they need to earn – ex. $5.00.
    Note: She ignores the fact an employee has the option and responsibility to find a job that pays what they want.

    To continue, the employer is the one “shopping” for an employee who can work for less – ex. $1.00.
    Note: She ironically states in this warped scenario what determines how much employers can pay employees – business expenses.

    Her point: There are plenty of workers, they just don’t want to work for less than what she thinks employers can afford. She assumes an employer can pay whatever the employee demands, which is a ridiculous, unrealistic socialist delusion.

    WHY she thinks this convoluted, illogical scenario makes sense is locked up in her leftist, dingbat steel-trap mind.

  6. I assume you’ve all seen that pep rally where she jumped around on stage like she had a mouse in her pants. She and Never Work Bernie Sanders were there for Jamal the ghetto boy Freeman in front of an overflow crowd of about 50 people. Trump’s rally had 25,000. He faces a stiff challenge in today’s primary. He’d be the first member of “the squad” to get his ass kicked to the curb.


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