Does Bruce Jenner Fit in the Tent? – IOTW Report

Does Bruce Jenner Fit in the Tent?

25 Comments on Does Bruce Jenner Fit in the Tent?

  1. A new voter special interest group endorsement.
    Women with male genitalia and male voices for Trump.

    Just because Bruce is unhinged doesn’t mean he lost his right to vote…..otherwise being democrat would be a disqualifier.

  2. Why not? I don’t agree with Bruce/Caitlyn’s life choices, nor do I think that what he/she did is heroic, but then again it’s really none of my business. More importantly, it’s none of the government’s business. So far as I’m aware, Bruce/Caitlyn isn’t promoting his/her lifestyle as normal or desirable or asking for favors or preferential treatment – it’s just something he/she felt compelled to do.

    Bruce/Caitlyn acted on a personal choice. Isn’t that what conservatives believe is important? So long as that personal choice isn’t infringing on anyone else’s rights, and so long as the government isn’t being asked to foot the bill or grant preferential treatment, then what I believe about the matter isn’t all that important. And if Bruce/Caitlyn believes this as well, then welcome to the tent.

  3. What a interesting question to ask — using one of the most provocative personalities as an example.

    It’s setting people up to, at least superficially, demonstrate some sort of abandonment of stated moral values in favor of supporting the idea that Americans from all walks of life can agree with Trump’s big tent message.

    I’d love to see what alternative and MSM could do with that tactic.

  4. I don’t see Bruce making rounds suggesting people pay for, change laws, or otherwise become what he has become. It’s stereotypical to think gays, trans, muslims and others would otherwise cause burden, because they typically do. I think a tattoo is a bad life choice too.

  5. When I see Bruce Jenner anymore, I’m reminded of Ted Levine as Jame Gumb getting glammed up and tucking his junk up while grooving in his torture cave in “Silence of the Lambs”.

    I don’t think that was what Bruce J was going for.

    But if he wants to support Trump?

    Party on, Brucie!

  6. Menderman, Oh Horse Pucky, we’ll let the Irish in to.

    Charlie, I don’t use the big N word anymore. Not because it’s not PC, but in honor or our Black Americans that have escaped the Democratic Plantation. Glad to have them on our side.

    PS, Moe Toms gotta interview before we let his ass in. LOL

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