Does Bryan Pagliano Pleading The Fifth Mean Hillary Is More Likely To Be Deposed In Judicial Watch Case? – IOTW Report

Does Bryan Pagliano Pleading The Fifth Mean Hillary Is More Likely To Be Deposed In Judicial Watch Case?

DC: Bryan Pagliano’s decision — revealed on Wednesday — to plead the fifth in a Judicial Watch deposition scheduled for next week leaves a huge void in the watchdog’s efforts to get to the bottom of Hillary Clinton’s private email arrangement.

But could it open up the door to the federal judge handling the lawsuit to allow the deposition of the former secretary of state?

U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan approved limited discovery of several Clinton aides and State Department officials earlier this year in the Judicial Watch suit. He has also said that “the deposition of Mrs. Clinton may be necessary” based on what’s learned during discovery.
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8 Comments on Does Bryan Pagliano Pleading The Fifth Mean Hillary Is More Likely To Be Deposed In Judicial Watch Case?

  1. The judge said, “We wouldn’t be here today if this employee had followed government policy,” from the bench.

    Whoa, that had to send a shiver down Hillary’s back. What the judge is saying when he says that she didn’t follow “government policy” is that she broke the law and committed numerous felonies.

  2. “I don’t recall.”
    “I don’t remember.”
    “I have no specific recollection of that particular instance.”
    “I plead the 5th.”
    “Honest politicians don’t HAVE to answer questions!”
    “Would you re-phrase the question?”
    “I struck my head and have no memory of anything that may, or may not, have occurred prior to, or subsequent of, my striking my head.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @tim
    Isn’t it amazing how these liberals know everything until under oath and then they don’t know anything? They can run the economy, the healthcare system, the energy sector, can determine bathroom and locker room usage.
    These know it all geniuses get real stupid when held to account for their actions.

  4. Wth Pagliano out and Mills performance as an obstreperous witness refusing to answer questions, the judge is going to allow HRC deposition. Bet on it. Federal judges who believe they are being played have a big ass hammer, and its about to give HRC a migraine she might not recover from.

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