Does Every Idiotic Editor Look Like This? – IOTW Report

Does Every Idiotic Editor Look Like This?

Here we have, yet again, a fat, bald sweaty editor of a blog that has a bit of sluggish hamster running on the wobbly wheel in his head.


This is Jason Easley of Politics USA. (No Link)

Look at this moronic post this melonhead put together-

Founding Fathers Say Russia Election Interference Means Electoral College Must Reject Trump

Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 68:
Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union? But the convention have guarded against all danger of this sort, with the most provident and judicious attention. They have not made the appointment of the President to depend on any preexisting bodies of men, who might be tampered with beforehand to prostitute their votes; but they have referred it in the first instance to an immediate act of the people of America, to be exerted in the choice of persons for the temporary and sole purpose of making the appointment. And they have excluded from eligibility to this trust, all those who from situation might be suspected of too great devotion to the President in office.

No senator, representative, or other person holding a place of trust or profit under the United States, can be of the numbers of the electors. Thus without corrupting the body of the people, the immediate agents in the election will at least enter upon the task free from any sinister bias. Their transient existence, and their detached situation, already taken notice of, afford a satisfactory prospect of their continuing so, to the conclusion of it. The business of corruption, when it is to embrace so considerable a number of men, requires time as well as means. Nor would it be found easy suddenly to embark them, dispersed as they would be over thirteen States, in any combinations founded upon motives, which though they could not properly be denominated corrupt, might yet be of a nature to mislead them from their duty.


Assuming the Russian government hacked the DNC in order to get Trump elected, how convenient it was for them that Hillary played along by being corrupt and crooked, otherwise the information in their hacking wouldn’t have amounted to a hill of beans, would it?

Sluggo’s premise also assumes that Trump is “an improper ascendant in our councils.” Improper meaning having no allegiance to America.

Let’s see, Hillary or Trump? Hillary or Trump? Which one of these candidates has a greater love for America? Which one has a greater love for European-style governance and a fondness for globalism?

I think Hamilton had a Hillary in mind when he wrote “improper ascendant in our councils.” This would be a person that doesn’t respect our right as a sovereign nation to protect our borders and control the flow and quality of the people given the privilege to become Americans. It would be someone that would seek to change the constitution, not respect it.

Butterbean should try again.


31 Comments on Does Every Idiotic Editor Look Like This?

  1. They are grasping at straws, and fantasizing that they can change the result. Look at the 0bama administration – it is going through the process of transitioning to Trump because they know there is no other possibility. If 0bama thought there was the slightest chance he would have his minions working day and night to reverse Trump’s victory, but he knows there is not.

  2. Oh whatever. There would be no email issues if hillary hadn’t been a criminal bitch and the only reason wikileaks got podesta’s email is because one of her crew handed them over. Otherwise, why not just post all of the emails belonging to podesta, obama AND everyone involved with the DNC? That would have made them lose every seat they ever purchas…er…won.

  3. Hamilton is actually advocating for the electoral college as a means of preventing those already in government from rigging the system in order to perpetuate their existence. Electors are temporary and not part of the system (i.e. sitting legislators), so theoretically they would not be in a position to be unduly influenced. But nothing Hamilton says indicates that electors should sit in moral judgment of a candidate.

    Besides, this jackjaw probably doesn’t really believe much of what the founding fathers put in the Constitution in the first place. For example, he probably argues for gun control on the grounds that the founding fathers could not have assault rifles in mind, although to be fair all rifles back then were assault rifles. He probably also buys into the “fake news” line and believe that the First Amendment should be limited to eliminate “fake news.”

    Hamilton was more of a strong central government guy than many of the other framers of the Constitution, but my guess is that if he saw the state of the Federal government today and the gross distortions of the Constitution to justify the vast amount of control the Federal government currently exerts, he would slap this fellow silly.

  4. WHEN WILL the Democrats realize they are poisoning their political futures for decades to come? Such sore whiny crybabies and losers will never be able to live this down. They have earned a bad, bad reputation of being liars, truth naysayers, fabricators of their own story lines, communists, globalists, in bed with Soros, and New World Order…in short they are despised by most of America and the World by now. Cut bait and live to fish another day, or become the pariahs of politics and exterminate yourselves. Dear Democrats: Your hissy fits will not stop Trump nor America. So go live elsewhere if it is too traumatic for you to bear, kittens!

  5. Hey now Bubba Fur, Butterbean is an affectionate term for a redneck woman.
    “There goes Sean and his butterbean, headin’ for the swimin’ hole.”
    Sluggo and melonhead seems sufficent, lay offa the butterbeans.

  6. I wonder how shit for brains would spin Hamilton in a scenario where a sitting President and his wife, we’ll call them the Clintons, allow sensitive technology to fall in to the laps of the Chinese in exchange for illegal campaign contributions. Thus Chinese military and missle technology advance 10 years overnight.

    I think back in Hamilton’s day, people like that would have been considered traitors and hung by nooses at the crack of dawn. Thus the President’s wife would have already been hung and had no chance to become a Presidential candidate.

    Or a scenario where a Presidential candidate and her husband take millions of dollars from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. In exchange for what? Oh a pipeline to run from Qatar to Turkey, but Syria says no you can’t run your pipeline through my country. So the Presidential candidate, along with other accomplices, risk war with Russia to make good on the millions of dollars funneled to them. What would Hamilton say about that?

    He’d probably say they should have been executed as traitors 20 years ago, but we’re done procrastinating here. String em up!

  7. Whatever the Russians did, it was because Obama let them, in terms of cyber defense shields being down.

    If our DOJ weren’t carrying water for Ob and Hillary them maybe the email dumps would have been necessary.

    So, If the Russians had anything to do with releasing emails, then I for one, am thankful.

    By the way, I reject the whole premise on the grounds that it’s fake news because no one has brought forth any evidence and no one has claimed responsibility, not that I would expect them to.

  8. Let’s see here, Barry wuz “Flexible”, but Trump colluded with the Russians… got it!

    Using his reasoning, poor as it is, I guess a case could be made that the democRats were not just negligent, but deliberately lax on their network security. So much so that they actually placed a satellite server in a private residence with a password like “blue menthol” (wink-wink, nod-nod) and then put Classified and Top Secret documents on it as well as a mirror in another private residence that served as the pipeline for secret information to our enemies with the spin-off benefit of Weiner Porn thrown into the mix just for laughs!
    Who’s in bed with who in Whoville Horton, hmmmmm??

  9. “How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union?”
    Hamilton was specifically thinking about the likes of Oblabberer, Clinton, JEB, Kasich, etc. See – They had that system in place that gave us the opportunity to vote, but for one from each party that was previously selected from THEIR ranks during the primaries (one to win and one to lose). The final general election voting process was rigged with maliable electronic voting systems that could be TWEEKED at the last second to ensure their final choice was put in place. Trump was the wrecking ball that crashed the system down. He won so many votes in the primaries AND general that their decades old system couldn’t cope.
    They are now grasping for something….anything that could make the final result as they wanted. They never even considered corrupting the electoral college before Nov. 2016 since they thought they had everything under control in the prior steps toward the presidency.

  10. This same nonsense was being spewed on HuffPoo. It is an absurd notion. Using this approach they would not just have to somehow prove the Russians were behind the email hacks, but ALSO that the release of the emails influenced the electorate enough to swing the vote to Trump. The former is a long-shot, the latter an impossibility.

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