Does Feminism Make Women Unattractive? – IOTW Report

Does Feminism Make Women Unattractive?

Could this be the same woman, warped physically, by feminism?

There are over 70 other examples HERE.


40 Comments on Does Feminism Make Women Unattractive?

  1. This is what happens to young women who find out that they aren’t pretty, no matter what Mom/Dad said. They aren’t just as good at ___, no matter they got the participation trophy. They found out that hooking up with that guy they really liked was just sex to him, nothing more.
    They end up angry, full of hate, and try to destroy what is left.
    I don’t know what a ring in the nose means, but can’t imagine that any guy or future employer finds that attractive. Underarm hair, shaved head, no clue.

  2. Interesting article. It’s “cat time”, so too early to wrap my head around all that the writer says, but I see some problems with her hypothesis (women should want to eschew the responsibility that comes with having authority. Women manipulating men to get what they want out of life. etc.). I’m looking forward to reading the whole thing.

    Hard to believe some of those pretty women would do that to themselves without thinking they had some sort of psychotic break at some point.

    And why they do they seem to always try to go for looking like boys and men? Is this just a lesbian thing? Or is it their idea of equality? That would be weird because why would you want to look like the very gender you purport to hate? Self-hatred? I don’t know. Glad this wasn’t in our culture when I was growing up. Glad my own daughter didn’t go down this road. Our neighbors, nice people, have an eldest daughter — graduating H.S. soon — who has. Pink hair, lots of leather and strange makeup. Nice girl, but I think she is very insecure under that get up.

    Lots of questions.

  3. It just occurred to me that the writer didn’t start her argument against the evils of feminism by bringing up God and that, with obedience to His word, women and men fit into a sacred order in the world. That’s the problem in a nutshell, so to speak. Women give up nothing if they are obedient to the Creator; they are fitted into the world exactly where God intended them to fit — as are men. It is in trying to reorder/rework the natural universe that gets everyone into trouble. Don’t fix something that isn’t broken.

  4. …and I would imagine it takes a lot more upkeep to maintain the “feminist look” than to be a natural beauty. Just the root maintenance on that colorful hair would be very expensive. And all those tats, keeping your head shaved, etc. Freaky. Gives me shivers.

  5. @ AA, I’ve got that head shaving and weight loss problem licked!

    Hope you are hearing good news on your anchor you are dragging……..

    I have a light now, we’ll see in about six weeks, hope!

  6. Reboot — Hurrah!! So sorry you’ve been dragged through this hell. I’m finally up for surgery in a couple days and looking forward to getting back to some normalcy. I pray for you daily and for your speedy recovery to health.

    Hugs to you, friend!

  7. The Rat Fink — I also see people who are too into themselves, too self-absorbed. They think they are being heroic by primping themselves into their “feminist look”, getting it down, perfecting it. They should try spending some time holding the hand of a lonely senior in a nursing home, tutoring children in reading and math, etc., volunteering their time to something more worthwhile than getting together with their feminist friends to sew vagina costumes and knit pussy hats. If they can knit, they might consider knitting hats for chemo patients, someone who could really use a warm hat.

  8. Riverlife Callie — I think it’s their way of saying, “Hey! Look at ME!! I’m free from the shackles of patriarchy!” (As they adopt one of the things that make men manly.) Lack of personal hygiene looks like a studied attribute among them. What I don’t get is their coloring it!

    Why would a woman want to look manly? (or like an East German weight lifter?)

  9. AA – Good thought. That’s what our generation would do, but I would be leery of what they might end up knitting for those Chemo Patients! The really sad part is that it was THEIR choice to be trashy! Sometimes I wonder if people like this were raised by a parent who used the TV as a baby sitter. I do think a lot of this is influenced by what the Left is putting on TV, They get brought up thinking that what they see on TV is the way to act these days. Let’s face it, if you believed that what you see on TV today is true, you might actually think yer neighbors are all LBGTQRSTUVWXYZ Nazis, White Supremacists and Ku Klux Klansmen!
    Antifa = Good. Scruples, morals and Conservatism = Bad.
    The only way to fight that is to make sure TV is a very minor part of your children’s life. Make sure it is filled with lots of love, attention, books, puzzles, good friends and lots of activities.

  10. Poor self esteem, coupled with self loathing.
    More than a few lesbians there.
    I suppose this is better going to gay bars late at night,takes the guess work out of hooking up.
    They found a place they think they belong. Sad.

  11. Depends on the “brand” of feminism, gender feminism makes them hideous inside and that leads to them looking ugly on the outside as well

    Gender feminism is a term used in relation to other forms of feminism. First explicated in the book “Who Stole Feminism?” in 1994, Christina Hoff Sommers categorized gender feminism as a gynocentric subdivision of feminism.

  12. All seem to have a self loathing and are desperately crying for help.

    What ever they’re using to get their armpit hair to grow like that they should bottle and sell to balding men (and women).

  13. i see a bunch of women that didn’t grow up with religion, morality and/or a strong sense of self and values. Easy to get caught up with the virtue signaling and making something like this their focus when they have no meaning in their lives.

  14. Issues have all been mentioned… but not intersected.

    They all know they’re princesses. Poopy heads are just too poopy to see the glory of their new clothes.

    If daddy can grant you a job that requires you to shave, put on a jacket and tie, and sit in a chair… to force other people to bring you sacks of money… forever and ever… few “talentless” people will revolt. Chafe at the injustice of the world not seeing your, personal, glory. But not outright revolt. And give up all those glorious sacks.

    But if your mental “talents” are… less than impressive. And your physical “talents” are… less than impressive. And your ability to keep your cray-cray tamped down, deep down, inside you is… What? Who keeps their fierceness hidden!? And your daddy (gender neutral, not necessarily existent, nor not a political construct) won’t (not “can’t”… the selfish bastard just WON’T!) give you a stipend, appropriate to your princess-itude… Then you can always make shite up. Become an expert in a field that doesn’t exist… so you can correct all the stupid people that haven’t asked you, first. Decorate yourself in a way that draws everyone’s (deserved) attention, in a mode that doesn’t exist… so you can’t be compared to an objective standard. And be sure to remind everyone else what poopy heads they are.

  15. Now I know why so many men have adopted the hairless look and ponytails/buns. Someone has to look feminine.

    Those girls are not into feminism, as stated above, they are into self-destruction, rebellion, and attention grabbing.

    The most destructive thing about the left is instilling personal loathing. Then they can offer ‘redemption’, in the commie way.

    They coerce the victim into giving up ‘self’ for the ‘good of many’, but then keep all power, and funds, and property for themselves. Hey, liberal leaning millennial, does that sound ‘fair’ to you? How do you think they will fund the ‘perks’ of basic living needs, (which will decrease as their ‘flock’ grows), once they have all of the power over YOU? Sounds like slavery, to me.

  16. These girls, and I use the term loosely, are not called feminist down here in Texas, they are called freaks. There is nothing feminine about them. Yu don’t grow armpit hair, stick nose rings in, dye your hair some obscene color, flaunt your dramatic tattoos and call yourself a woman.

  17. #MeToo radical gender feminism not only makes women who practice it unattractive. It makes it dangerous to be any where near them or to talk to them. They need shunning, big time.

  18. BTW, from a guy whose college nickname was ‘baby gorilla’ and has more body area hair-covered than most, I must say those armpits are nastier than any I’ve ever seen on any man, even me.

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