Does He Need A License For That? – IOTW Report

Does He Need A License For That?

Store Employee Knocks Out Shoplifter With Bottle of Pepsi.
Salty’s got the story.

19 Comments on Does He Need A License For That?

  1. For those that find it valuable, I read today that both Green Tea and Black Tea are rendering the new Covid Variant harmless. I drink Green Tea by the Gallons weekly. Love the stuff.

  2. Been there. A plastic bottle full of liquid is a noggin knocker deluxe. Hits like a dead blow hammer.

    My buddy Jerry was buying brake fluid in a Right Aid and I was in the Bach looking for a burrito when I heard a crash. Dirtbag came in at 05:30 with a knife and threatened the cashier. Jerry was bent over lurking for brake fluid or transmission fluid and saw it going on. Picked up a gallon of windshield washer solvent and roundhouses the bastard from the right rear with a shot that came all the way from the floor. Jerry, 6’4” tall and built like a blacksmith. The knife ended up stuck in the suspended ceiling tile and the bastard was completely shit mixed laying in a pool of blood with a broken jaw, cheek crushed, neck fractured, eye socket blown to smithereens, and didn’t wake up for over a week. We had been out coon hunting all night and stopped in in Lacey for something for his truck and something to drink when it went down.


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