Does Hillary Have a Handler That Carries a Diazepam Pen? – IOTW Report

Does Hillary Have a Handler That Carries a Diazepam Pen?

The Hillary Whisperer —


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35 Comments on Does Hillary Have a Handler That Carries a Diazepam Pen?

  1. Figured they had to be using something to keep that violently crazy bitch from going berserk in public.

    Somebody had a good eye on that one. Great find. Hope it sinks her chances.

  2. October surprise in August? The lame stream media won’t say a peep because the Olympics are on (!) but I sure hope Rush talks about it first thing tomorrow.

    Saw a comment about this and the guy attributed Hillary’s Mao jackets as a need not a choice-as they hide the fact she wears Depends- side effect of the seizures.

    Good heavens.

  3. seizures, no bowel control and violent uncontrollable outbursts,
    obviously the most qualified person ever running for potus.

    imagine that every leader in the world knows this but the American people don’t.

    some informed election and electorate.

  4. “Side effects include drowsiness, fatigue, and weakness.”


    If the American electorate is stupid enough to vote her into office, it won’t be pretty.

  5. Yes, Illustr8r, the Olympics are on. I heard that some Ruszians were barred from participating because they used performance-enhancing drugs. Back to you, Bob Costas…

  6. Okay, this was the big year when it was determined that you can be any gender, sex, or whatever..
    At this point what difference does it make that she is a woman? After all, Bruce Jenner also thinks he is one.

  7. When drudge went on infowars and talked to Alex Jones (an awesome interview BTW) he repeatedly said that this nation was capable of electing Hillary Clinton’s BRAIN IN A JAR ON THE DESK IN THE OVAL OFFICE because she’s that sick yet the country could be that far gone.

  8. Originally the big black guy was hired for his skills with a blow gun and tranq dart. Able to hit her on the run.

    The bad optics had him reduced to a pen and slight of hand.

  9. So every time she starts to zone out this guy comes up and gives her a shot in the butt? No wonder she makes that open mouthed 😯 expression. It makes perfect sense now.

  10. @Keep your priorities straight

    She’s like your abusive, unstable, crazy aunt, you know she’s got a vagina but you “Never” think about it.
    And those that use that as a criteria for voting for her are twisted, sick sons a bitches.

  11. Note that the handler is not wearing a radio earpiece that all secret service agents on protection detail wear to communicate with each other therefore he is not a secret service agent. The lapel pin is a form of ID that the secret service requires to be worn by all individuals near the protectee to verify that they have been cleared by secret service.

  12. cowcop, I keep thinking back Obama’s interpreter. But this guy here must have been vetted like hell by the Clinton machine, right? But I imagine the MSM is going to have to put out a sanitized narrative soon which will help us get to know Hillary’s special new “Body Man”.

  13. Who ultimately handles Obama and now Clinton? It’s bigger than some wannabe Bond villain billionaire like Soros; he’s just one of the money men. At the risk of getting all Bilderbergy or moon alien, who are the puppetmasters behind all this? I know what I think it is…what say you all? There HAS to be one.

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