Does Hillary Own Angie’s List? – IOTW Report

Does Hillary Own Angie’s List?

Angie’s List is a user generated review site. People check it like they used to check the Better Business Bureau.

Angie’s List settled a lawsuit when a user claimed horrible reviews for a contractor were hidden because he “paid-to-play.”

She said it wasn’t until she wrote her own rotten review of the contractor that the other bad reviews became visible.

This sounds like a scheme Hillary Clinton would put together.

A shady country will get good State Department reviews if you donate enough to The Clinton Foundation.

ht/ Rob E.

10 Comments on Does Hillary Own Angie’s List?

  1. “A shady country will get good State Department reviews if you donate enough to The Clinton Foundation.”

    So how much did Clinton get from Iran to kickstart their makeover? Or was she promised a middleman’s cut of the ransom Barky sent? Maybe Wikileaks can clear that up.

  2. All those scams work the same way, BBB included.
    Pay for play.
    You want a good rating? Fork over the dough.
    I am a contractor.
    Want a good contractor?
    Ask others who they used and look at the work done.
    Or, get screwed.
    Sadly my trade is full of roaches who feed on the lazy.

  3. If I recall correctly, they were involved with Indiana’s RFRA kerfluffle, threatening to pull out of a proposed multimillion-dollar expansion unless they got huge tax breaks until it was revealed they’d already lost their financing and wouldn’t have expanded anyway. Of course, they’d have taken the tax breaks in any case, and their opposition to RFRA completely agreed with their far leftist leanings.

  4. Since came onto the scene, there is no need for Angie’s List. That’s why AL no longer charges for their service. They had to think fast in order to compete.

  5. Pluz, you are right about the RFRA bit. Angie’s list made a huge deal about cancelling a planned expansion in Indiana due or RFRA, cuz it’s so hateful and whatnot, when the truth was they couldn’t finance the effort anyway and it was never going to happen. Have never used Angie’s list and never will.

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