Does it Hurt, Physically, to Be as Dumb as the Left? – IOTW Report

Does it Hurt, Physically, to Be as Dumb as the Left?

I like the pedocillin meme. Tip of the hat to whoever created it.

23 Comments on Does it Hurt, Physically, to Be as Dumb as the Left?

  1. Not something I wrote, but I do refer to it often. It’s “Author Unknown.”

    When you’re dead you don’t know you’re dead. The pain is felt by others.

    The same thing happens when you’re stupid.

  2. Apparently it hurts enough that it makes them afraid to be known by name and forces them to go under “Anonymous”.

    This is where I give Larry the liberal credit for being a respectable commenter or a least a entertaining troll.

  3. Couple things.

    “This is where I give Larry the liberal credit for being a respectable”

    The dudes totally one of us. I busted one night when everyone was really shit faced. I remembered, everyone else forgot. He’s a Patriot. And the only reason I mention it is because knowing that makes it all the more funnier. Well for me at least. He’s DAMN good at thinking like a Libtard and I’ll never give up his true ID. Beat me, whip me, make me write bad checks. I’m not giving him up. LOL

    Jethro. 22LR is one of the most dangerous rounds at close range. If they enter the stomach cavity or the cranium they ricochet off the surrounding bone and hollow everything out.

    Finally, I’d never waste a bullet on a Lib. Just rip their heads off and go pee pee down their throats.

  4. The problem is that society saves stupid people from feeling the pain they deserve. We bail out stupid people financially. When they injure themselves from their own stupidity we rescue and treat their injuries. We even avoid calling them stupid so as to spare their feelings. The problem is eventually they cause harm to others. It is long overdue to tell stupid people that they are too stupid to live, and should take the necessary next step.

  5. “Does it Hurt, Physically, to Be as Dumb as the Left?”

    Eventually we’re going to have to make it hurt – whether it does or not – starting with the traitors and ending with their enablers.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Watched a surgery on a boring 7PM to 7AM shift at a regional trauma center. guy on the table was gut-shot with a .22 sitting on a bus bench because he wouldn’t give up his gold chains.
    9 resections & a hopefully temporary colostomy later, he was still alive, but I never knew if he survived long-term.


    Folk think left is dum are dumb!

    Which is why let keeps winning!

    Don’s win – I hope WAS NOT – LOOKS LIKE AN ANOMOLY!

    For the sake of America I hope he wins this year;b ut GWBs Canucks – DOMINION for low info crowd – faked 35,000,000 votes last time and lefty kemp has them (DOMINIoN) encamped to repeat the year!


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