Does More Reliable Data Out of Iran Reveal a Huge Shift Toward Secularism? – IOTW Report

Does More Reliable Data Out of Iran Reveal a Huge Shift Toward Secularism?


Official Iranian Government Census – 99.5% identify as Muslim

New independent survey – 40% identify as Muslim

 “Iran’s secular shift: new survey reveals huge changes in religious beliefs”

In June 2020, our research institute, the Group for Analyzing and Measuring Attitudes in IRAN (GAMAAN), conducted an online survey with the collaboration of Ladan Boroumand, co-founder of the Abdorrahman Boroumand Center for Human Rights in Iran.

The results verify Iranian society’s unprecedented secularisation.

These numbers demonstrate that a general process of secularisation, known to encourage religious diversity, is taking place in Iran. An overwhelming majority, 90%, described themselves as hailing from believing or practising religious families. Yet 47% reported losing their religion in their lifetime, and 6% said they changed from one religious orientation to another. Younger people reported higher levels of irreligiosity and conversion to Christianity than older respondents.


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