Does Nickelodeon Have A ‘Weinstein’ of Their Own? – IOTW Report

Does Nickelodeon Have A ‘Weinstein’ of Their Own?

Apparently, the stories have been out there for years, but with the fallout over the Harvey Weinstein scandal, those rumors are becoming real accusations. Allegedly, Nickelodeon producer Dan Schneiderman has been abusing his young charges.


If Nickelodeon has been protecting this guy while giving him access to the young talent, they should be on the hook for millions and Dan should be in jail.

8 Comments on Does Nickelodeon Have A ‘Weinstein’ of Their Own?

  1. Remember how scummy David Letterman actually had a bedroom above the studio so he could attack women on the staff?
    Why was he allowed to skate with no repercussions?
    Why is he still revered by the left?
    He’s no better than Harvey and the rest of these asses that hate us and have lectured us on how to live properly.

  2. Every scumbucket in Hollyweird (like Letterman) is probably skiddin in their own shit deamin up excuses and prayin they don’t get called out for their past transgressions!!
    Wanna know who’s next? Just look for the puddles of flopsweat! They’re everywhere!

  3. seeing these perverts doing their death spiral brings a tear to my eyes. It took God quite some time to get around to destroying these creeps and I’m glid i’m here to see it.

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