Robin DiAngelo sounding like an old-line segregationist: "People of color need to get away from white people and have some community with each other."
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 20, 2023
21 Comments on Does She Have a Comic Strip We Can Cancel?
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Like slavery? Serration? Demoncrat elitism I full bloom.
Like slavery? SEGRATION? Demoncrat elitism I full bloom.
Oh, gee … that would hurt my feelings …
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
File this one under:
Blacks demanding “Reparation” should be returned (free of charge) to their native African country. Revoking US citizenship.
Want reparations for slavery? Sue a democrat.
Have you been reading articles that discuss black/any other color people?
I read an article that someone from one of the black-is-the-new-ruler groups has demanded journalists capitalize the B when talking about black people but will not allow the other colors to be capitalized.
I’ve been seeing it for the last few months. When I use any of these articles, I refuse.
Fine with me. I’ve been practicing self segregation from blacks for decades.
Suggestion – go back to Africa.
What happens when blacks have community with each other? Videos galore of them chimping out in fast food restaurants, hotels, cruise ships, and drive-by-shootings at funerals. Fact is, they don’t have the moral training at home to act human. If we gave them reparations it will be 1,000 times worse for any race outside of being black. it will be a big boom for the drug dealer, liquor stores, and black market Kool cigarettes.
MMinWA March 21, 2023 at 9:06 am
Fine with me. I’ve been practicing self segregation from blacks for decades.
I grew up in CA, lived in an all white town. The blacks had their town over the hill, we didn’t go onto their turf and they didn’t come onto ours. Everyone got along just fine – until football season. We were rivals. There weren’t ever any fights, everyone knew their spot.
I was Police Sargent for the barrack in the service. Every year there would be a work detail prior to the Command Inspection. Paint everything, floors to ceiling. 3 floors, 30 rooms per floor, plus entry ways, laundry rooms, and bathrooms. The work detail sent wasn’t the choice workers, but all the rest. The Lieutenant sent 1 black guy. He would fake cough all morning so he could go to the dispensary and get cough medicine with codeine, then drink the whole bottle. I called the Lieutenant and said, “One is fine, but if you send 2, I can’t get work out of either of them”.
Go ahead, self- segregate. But when you create a new “food desert” in your Utopian community, don’t complain to the White crackers about it.
If I was black, I would demand my own section in the back of the bus, my own restrooms and drinking fountains.
“I read an article that someone from one of the black-is-the-new-ruler groups has demanded journalists capitalize the B when talking about black people but will not allow the other colors to be capitalized.”
I wonder if they want us to capitalize the “N” as well.
Paul Mooney said it best, ht tps://
It’s unfortunate, but blacks have become like snakes. They are not all bad, but it’s best to avoid them altogether. It’s the sad truth. So many of them have fallen for the leftist lie that all white people are racist and out to get them that it’s just not worth giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Jim Crow pick up the anti White phone please, Jim Crow…
I’m like Obama’s grandmother, when I see a group of blacks headed my way, I go the other way. She had a grandson that was black, and her daughter married a black. Grandma knew the two of them were up to no good. I mean Obama was a card carrying member of the shroom gang.
Thats ok with me. Just keep your criminals to your own places.
Well where I work in Brownsville and East NY in NYC they do have there own community. I am the only white dude for days over here. So in case you don’t know (and most of you do because your brains function properly) these all brown/black communities are absolutely slaughtering each other day and night.
So go ahead and continue with your awesome “communities”
What the hell is the thing with the purple glasses? Why is the side of head missing?