Does she make herself clear?? – IOTW Report

Does she make herself clear??

ht/ hw

42 Comments on Does she make herself clear??

  1. @ Brad…ya know there was a gal that I refer to as “THE FAIR KATE” and if she didn’t think that the sensuous energy wasn’t equally going her way….she fixed it….and I’d like to thank her for that….she did look good necked and was invocational….I still vote for her if she’s running for nothing…..

  2. I’m so sick of looking at ugly women. When Trump won the presidency, I was rejoicing over Melania bringing class back into the White House, and she has. The media just keeps shoving these ugly women in our faces, it’s brutal and offensive.

  3. Oh good grief, did this lunatic parasite crawl out from some wymyn’s studies program from one of our diploma mills? A lot of this crap is rooted in the universities and the emergence of postmodern, deconstruction (ie destruction), and queer or “otherness” jibberish and insanity. I know a fully tenured prof whose specialty is study of “Nazis” — whatever those are, I am sure there are dozens of them somewhere. This fraud and waste is repeated about 10×6 times through our pathetic leftist universities (or diversities as I call them), which need to be burned to the ground and rebuilt.

  4. I am sooo glad I am not young anymore. I would probably be imprisoned fifteen times over for slugging ‘things’ like this one.

    When Professor Henry Higgins sang “Why can’t a woman be more like a man?”, I was enchanted–having three brothers and no sisters meant I had to do things just as well as they; and I did!

    Working in Theatre and Video required the same-“Do it or you’ll never make it in this business!”, was demanded of me, and I did everythimg a guy could do, and most times better!

    But…I never shouted and screamed as some of these ‘things’ do today–and I certainly NEVER entertained the idea of ‘transitioning’!

    Besides, if you cannot ‘make it’ as a woman in this life, how the hell do you ever think you would ‘make it’ as a MAN ?!?

  5. *SIGH*
    Nobody wants you.
    Nobody needs you.
    Nobody really cares about your neuroses.
    Nobody will remember you 15 seconds after you’re dead.

    So … why waste everyone’s time?
    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. This ravishing temptress would be one month, and the lovely and talented Melissa Click could be a second. 2 down/10 to go. Oh I wonder if we could find 10 of them! Friends I could find 10 of these female moonbats before COB here in the big city (NB: None of them follow IOTW, or bear resemblance to the gorgeous and pleasant female correspondents whose presence graces this site daily).

  7. that is a perfect example of why the leftist are so mad all the time and quite insane.

    they have to try and rationalize those opposing positions as normal, moral, equal and all valid at the same time.

    good luck with that

  8. This is a prime example to the down side to having a society that protects those of weak mind and/or body from the well earned consequences of natural selection. While I love the fact that our society has matured to the point that children and the weak are protected, I love to look at the blatant examples and wonder how long such flawed and crippled example of humanity would last in the wild kingdom just outside of the softness and protection of Western society.

    I would give this example all of ten minutes before she collapses in a pile of crying jello. And at most 20 minutes before her cries attracts one of the top of the food chain members. This will be followed by her first, last and only contribution to any society. Unfortunately, the contribution will be to the society of the wild kingdom. (burp)

  9. Cept for that vacuum between her ears, she does a pretty good impression of a drill sergeant. How’d ya like to come home from work and tell her the weekend at her parents house is off because a nuke went off in Guam and you’re being deployed in the morning.

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