‘Does the sensitivity of Muslims mean we have to tone it down here in the West? ‘ – IOTW Report

‘Does the sensitivity of Muslims mean we have to tone it down here in the West? ‘

Ex-Muslim: Muslims Fear Free Speech.

Geller Report: As many of you see and know, if you are online and you criticize any religion other than Islam on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and so on, you have basically nothing to fear. Online you can say whatever you want about any religion. There is total freedom of speech. People make fun of it, people laugh about it, people even throw around insults. People even insult whole religious groups. They insult Christians, Jews, Hindus or non-religious groups, for example, but if you attempt to criticize Islam, things change. If you attempt to criticize Islam online, Western progressives will attack you, they will align with Muslims and call you a “racist,” the media will condemn you and social media giants block you, delete your content and eventually kick you off their platforms. The same happened to me on Facebook at 10k followers, and multiple times on Instagram. There are countless examples that we could use here.

So you’re not only in danger because some lunatic might kill you for Allah, you’re also discriminated against by social media platforms. Of course there’s the undeniable fact that followers of other religions can mainly handle criticism, while every negative word about Islam drives Muslims crazy. I want to talk about why Muslims can’t take any criticism and can hardly ever have a civil conversation with you, if you disagree with their beliefs.

There’s much to say, but I don’t want to take too much of your time. If you grow up religious, you learn specific elements of your religion at an early age, but the indoctrination in Islam is very different from teachings in Christianity or Judaism. In Islam you learn at a very early age to be afraid and to be intolerant. In the 21st century, you learn to ask Allah for forgiveness if there is any kind of controversial talk, even if you hear little religious jokes, or if you have doubts. You learn not to spend too much time with Non-Muslims because they could weaken your faith or take it away altogether. You learn to silence people when they say things that are not right according to your religion. You are ordered never to listen to any criticism. You are never allowed to question anything in the religion. You’re not only discouraged—no—you are strictly ordered to stay away from thoughts like “who created Allah”. That’s not a coincidence, because a hadith says the same thing:

“It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah observed: The Satan comes to everyone. of you and says: Who created this and that? till he questions: Who created your Lord? When he comes to that, one should seek refuge in Allah and keep away (from such idle thoughts).“ Sahih Muslim 1:244 [1]

So, Muhammad taught at very early times that any doubt, even such a question, comes from Satan who intends to take your faith away. Of course Muhammad could’ve given an answer to that question, but he was not really a master of thinking, and his fictional assistant Allah cared more about infidels and Muhammad’s sex life than about questions from Muslims.  MORE HERE

17 Comments on ‘Does the sensitivity of Muslims mean we have to tone it down here in the West? ‘

  1. wait 1 minute, bad_brad. lets play a counting game.
    2 10 round mags + 1 in the chamber = 21?
    am i missing something here?
    oh, i get it, your 10 round mags are just stamped 10 rounds, but in reality they house 15 each. it all makes sense.
    mine say these are not the 30 round banana clips you’re looking for.

  2. This comes from Pamela Geller’s site, if you haven’t noticed, she and her children were absolutely blind sided and viciously attacked by Internet assassins with the intent of ruining their lives in the last couple days. This is a great example of the danger of BIG INTERNET!! We need to figure out how to support warriors like Pamela Geller, and how to effectively reduce the influence of BIG INTERNET. They are the enemy.

  3. Western Civilization has been and will continue to be the path for human progress. The gutter on the side of the road has nothing of value. Deep, dank, riddled with old trash.
    Allah is a loser, an abuser, a wannabe, a parasite. Compare and contrast with Plato/Socrates/Aristotle if you enjoy the ridiculous.

  4. Islam is the only “religion” being given a pass w/o question. It’s almost as if it is being supernaturally protected so that it can flourish worldwide. Could it be that God is going to use it as a weapon of judgment?

    The color of Islam is green just as white is associated with the RCC and Pope and red is accepted universally as the color of communism. The fourth horse of the Apocalypse in the Bible (Rev 6:7,8) is green. We are seeing Bible prophecy being fulfilled. That is why Islam is being protected.

  5. There is nothing that more illustrates the Progs infatuation with the term “racist” than calling a person who has no regard for the Pedophile religion than “racist”.
    Islam is a political party, not a religion nor a race, eh?

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