Trust in Brat – IOTW Report

Trust in Brat

Crackerbaby received this after writing Brat-


Thank you for contacting me about the Second Amendment.  You can rest assured I will do everything I can to defeat any attempts to further infringe upon our Second Amendment right.

I am a strong supporter of gun rights. The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right enshrined in the constitution for a reason – it provides the people with the ultimate guarantee of sovereignty. My support for this, and all constitutional rights, is unwavering. Our founding documents make it clear that our inalienable rights come from God and that the job of the government is to ensure and protect those God-given rights. I intend to keep it that way.

In Congress, I will be a steady and firm supporter of our Second Amendment rights at all times – not just when it is convenient. I will oppose any back door attempts to confiscate guns or create a national gun registry. No matter how well intentioned, additional gun control laws often will not improve safety or reduce crime. In fact, gun restrictions, no matter how well-intentioned, will simply ensure that only criminals have access to guns.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Your comments and opinions are a vital source of information to assist me in carrying out my duties as your representative in Congress.  Please visit my website at, where you can sign up for my newsletter updates and learn more about my work in Congress on your behalf.

Dave Brat
Member of Congress

10 Comments on Trust in Brat

  1. Dave Brat is a rare bird up there, I’ve liked this guy from the get go. He’s solid on all the issues and one of the truly good reps up there.
    So far her seems to have maintained his principles.

  2. I let him know that he is appreciated regularly. I am happy to have been a tiny part of the wave that washed that cumstain Cantor out of there.
    In this day and age, it is very tough to personally “know” a potential representative. Thus, there requires some investigation and a leap of faith in order to choose someone to represent you.
    So far Brat has done right by me.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Crackerbaby, thanks for sharing.

    Since you are now buds with him, you might want to tell him to get a new picture for his website. Just below his nose is the tip of one of the stars on the flag. Makes it look like he has a booger hanging. Just sayin’. 🙂

  4. There are good people in office.
    Not many, so they stand out.
    The shame is that the good ones get disgusted and move into other lines of work.

    As the former Architect of the Capitol said: the mobsters of NYC are more honorable than Congress (I’m paraphrasing).

    If you got a good one, show your support, so he doesn’t get discouraged.

    izlamo delenda est …

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