Dog People – IOTW Report

Dog People

ABC 7 Chicago

An unnamed special agent from the presidential protective division’s counter surveillance unit was providing security coverage in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, the report said. As the agent walked to a backyard security post, the agent heard Commander start to bark, the report said, but did not realize Commander was “loose and off leash.”

“In the background SA [redacted] heard the voice of what believes to be FLOTUS Dr. Jill Biden [redacted] yelling [redacted quote]. Commander ran toward the direction of post [redacted] booth and bit SA [redacted] in the left forearm. Causing a severe deep open wound. As result of the attack SA [redacted] started to loose (sic) a significant amount of blood from [redacted] arm,” the report said.

The agent was treated on site by the White House medical unit and received six stitches to his left forearm, the report said, as well as antibiotics for the wound. More

28 Comments on Dog People

  1. … and, of course, the story is replete with the type of platitudinous bullshit that insults the intelligence of anyone with any sense of what actual contrition actually looks like immediately recognizes for what it is.
    – A source close to the Biden family told CNN that the Biden family feels “awful” and has been “heartbroken” over the spate of biting incidents.
    – “They’ve been heartbroken over this. They’ve apologized to those who have been bitten, taken flowers to some. They feel awful. Commander was over-protective, and even though they tried and tried to work on it, they had to let him go live with other members of their family,”
    – “The president and first lady care deeply about the safety of those who work at the White House and those who protect them every day. Despite additional dog training, leashing, working with veterinarians, and consulting with animal behaviorists, the White House environment simply proved too much for Commander. Since the fall, he has lived with other family members,”

    Any one with any more going on that a sociopath would not keep an animal like that around. One and done, the goddamned thing would have been put down after the second incident. Worthless subhuman pieces of shit are incapable of even the most rudimentary consideration for anyone, the worthless fuckers wouldn’t know common decency if it fell out of the sky and landed in their lap.

  2. I’ve noticed a good many liberals like to have big dogs. For normal regular conservative people, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that of course. But for chicken-gutted liberals, who are terrified of guns, big dogs provide them some protection and some comfort. For weanie liberal “men”, it makes them feel manly, I suppose. Biden could be exhibit #1 for this phenomena.

    Maybe this is my imagination, but if other people have picked up on the same thing, I’d like to hear about it.

  3. Only 6 stitches? I always carry super glue, works great and is fast. VA doesn’t have a problem with it. Also water and ammonia in a plastic soda bottle with a small hole in the cap to squirt the mix out. If you think something might take a chomp at you. Safety Tip: Adjust mix to suit the threat level well in advance.

  4. Old Joe raises his dogs just like his kids and in the process ruins them. I feel bad for Commander, as had it been anyone but Sleepy, Demented Joe and “Dr.” Jill, raising/training the dog, he mighta done okay…but he needs put down. He’s too comfortable attacking at this point.

  5. Someone as inept as Joe biden should never be let anywhere near a German Sheperd. That breed craves stimulation and a job to focus on. They are also highly energetic and need the physical release from a lot of exercise. A stupid, decrepit old man and a self absorbed woman who probably don’t even remember they have a pet are a horrible combination for owners. In this case, I really feel bad for the dog. (By the way, my husband and eldest son are veterinarians and we run our own veterinary hospital so I am speaking from experience, not just feelings!)

  6. Everyone is correct to say the dog should be put down.

    That said, I think it’s hilarious his protection has to put up with being viciously attacked and unable to respond like normal people. You know, like shooting the attack dog before he maims or kills you.

    It should be hell when you protect such evil people.

  7. It’s said Nitwit mistreats his dogs to the tune of hitting and kicking them. If so, the pup is learning from its (I use the term loosely) master. And the line about girly Lefties feeling tough with a mean dog is reflected in the names they’re given – Commander, Major, Champ.

    Hell, I called mine Sherlock.

  8. One incident mentioned took place in July 2023 – after other numerous incidents. The dog was roaming around OFF-LEASH and bit someone who lost a lot of blood and needed 6 stitches.
    What’s wrong with these people? They have no care or concern for the humanity that works for them and protects them.
    It paints an accurate picture of who these people are.


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