Dog Wouldn’t Abandon His Injured Partner – IOTW Report

Dog Wouldn’t Abandon His Injured Partner

Even as a train barreled down on them the loyal friend wouldn’t leave his injured mate.

Bored Panda-

When this dog’s canine friend got injured and stranded on the tracks, he stayed with her under the passing trains for two days, saving the pooch from certain death. A group of animal rescuers from Uzhgorod, Ukraine, received a call saying two dogs were spotted on the railway track. Denis Malafeyev, who shared the touching story on Facebook, wrote: “When we arrived, it turned out that one of the dogs, the female, was injured and couldn’t move.” All this time, the healthy canine was trying to protect her. “The male dog heard the sound of the approaching train, came close to the female dog and laid down next to her… Both of them pushed their heads towards the ground, and let the train pass”.

Denis Malafeyev said the story made him emotional: “The male dog was doing this for two days in a row. Think about it. He was keeping her warm.”

read the outcome HERE

12 Comments on Dog Wouldn’t Abandon His Injured Partner

  1. Question? Why didn’t the people filming this wonderful example of canine care remove the injured dog off the train tracks? How terrifying must it have been for the two dogs every time the train approached and passed over them? I guess getting the film was more important than saving the dogs. So how many times did the train pass over the dogs before someone saved them from their plight? Dogs don’t deserve some people.

  2. I was walking my late dog once and I got a little too close to the concrete edge of the trail and my ankle gave way and I just hit the ground HARD. As I writhed in pain she was so upset and she started comforting me. I laid there for about ten minutes as the pain settled. She stood watch over me the entire time. I sure loved her and she sure loved me.

  3. Another reason why I like dogs way more than I like most humans.
    Yeah, I’m a misanthrope, what about it?
    Add it to a long list, deplorable, gun loving, racist, bigot, misanthrope.
    I’m sure there are more, just not in the mood to wax poetic.

  4. I have had dogs most of my life. Seems the more I learn about people the more I like my dogs! Can’t wrap my head around people being cruel to an animal. Mine love me for who I am not what I am.

  5. Years ago I went out the back door and suddenly felt faint. I actually passed out and when I came to my dog was lying next to me licking my face, my cat was walking back and forth on the other side meowing and my horse was nudging my feet. I love animals.

  6. –** Validation why I’d rather be a dog than a muslim **–
    Damn Bubba, I’d rather be a septic bacteria than a Muslim. At least they do their job very well and they’re not liable to kill humans if they don’t go swimming in the septic tank.

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