Dogs Attack Mail Carriers In California More Than Any Other State – IOTW Report

Dogs Attack Mail Carriers In California More Than Any Other State

Last year, mail carriers were bit 656 times in California, making
the Golden State the most dangerous place for the postal service.

Patch – LOS ANGELES — If ever there was a state where postal carriers should get hazard pay, it’s California.

Talk about dubious bragging rights: California is the worst state in America for dog bites and attacks on postal workers in 2021, according to a new U.S. Postal Service ranking.

The ranking came out Sunday, the first day of its annual National Dog Bite Awareness Week public service campaign, which continues through Saturday. The theme this year: “The USPS Delivers for America — Deliver for Us by Restraining Your Dog.”

Doing so could have prevented more than 5,400 postal employees from being attacked in 2021 in a range of encounters from nips and bites to vicious attacks, the USPS said.

Postal workers in California were bitten or attacked 656 times in 2021.


h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

22 Comments on Dogs Attack Mail Carriers In California More Than Any Other State

  1. Don’t really care about this report. It is lazy reporting. Cacafornica had the highest population, mail carriers are probably a per Capita distribution, so I would expect more mail carriers. At a constant bite incidence, that would put them at the top as aatter of course.

  2. Rarely do you see an aggressive Lab like pictured. Ironically I have one. I think if they drilled down farther they would find these attacks occur in low income areas and perpetrated by Pit Bulls. If you’re an ethnic pussy it’s mandatory you buy a dog to protect you.

  3. Most mail around here is delivered by jeep, even in towns. Or similar type vehicles anyway. Not even sure if there are anyone walking around delivering mail. Probably not too many dogs biting the jeeps. 😁

  4. Bongo

    OK, I got you, but two legged yes, four legged no. They all seem to have money to spring on a pure bred attack dog. Spurred on by wrap videos from the hood. I’m certain they have their own breeding system going on there locally. Even making the breed meaner.

  5. My buddy has a ghetto neighbor with a pit bull/Rottweiler that slammed into the fence and threatens all three neighbors whenever anyone goes into their own back yard. I told him to go to the pot shop and buy some brownies and put a couple by the fence next Sunday morning. A dog’s nose will never be able to miss them.

    The next time the dog was let in the back yard it found a couple brownies and chomped them down. Neighbor looks in the yard and sees the dog barely able to upright himself and when he did he looked like Foster Brooks… and it’s off to animal emergency, because it’s Sunday. 24 hours and $1,200 later the piece of shit comes home and nobody had the first clue.

    The next day its back to charging the fence, barking, growling and threatening and it’s time for round two. Next Sunday morning he sets a couple more brownies out and the greedy son of a bitch is down for the count once again. Neighbor is concerned and looks out because the fucking nuisance is not being a nuisance. Holy shit, not again. It’s back to Animal emergency and another $1,200.

    The dog goes out in the yard to go potty on a leash now and then right back in the house.

  6. My damned postman leaves my mail like Easter Eggs. I’ve tracked packages that say ‘on porch near door’ setting on the seat of my lawn mower, on my car hood, on the ground by the mailbox, just anywhere. Lazy bastard.

  7. JDHasty, where does your friends ghetto neighbor get $2400 to pay the vet bill for his stoned dog? Personally, I hate pit bulls, unfortunately my son had one for a while named Hades but it died from cancer and it was before he had kids. I don’t think he’ll get another pit bull, he really wants a good retriever for duck hunting.

  8. I’ve personally witnessed a latrino postman is SA, CA beating on a gate with his stick just to piss off the dog, so there’s that to consider too.

  9. lots of brain dead comments regarding pitbuuls. i will just assume as you have that #1 none of you have ever owned a pitbull #2 none of you actually know hwat a true pitbull is/looks like. most of what the brain dead media and commenters are referring to are not pitbulls. the info these mouth breathers get is from a completely debunked website i expected better over here, sad

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