Dog’s Best Friend – IOTW Report

Dog’s Best Friend

Woman leaps into Florida pond and wrestles 7ft alligator with her bare hands to save her dog Hope from its jaws

Lori Beiswenger leaps into pond and wrestles 7ft alligator to save pet dog

Trapped in the jaws of an enormous alligator, Hope the dog seemed likely to die. But then her devoted owner came to her rescue – by wrestling the reptile with her bare hands. Without a second thought, Lori Beiswenger plunged into a pond and grabbed the 7ft gator’s tail. She then started yanking on the tail, while neck-deep in water, in a bid to save her stricken pet.,Three tugs later, the gator finally let go of nine-year-old Hope.

15 Comments on Dog’s Best Friend

  1. The law of nature says that if a bigger predator is trying to eat you, give up what you’re trying to eat for lunch and save yourself. All that alligator knew was that something bigger than it was a-hold of its tail and not letting go. It gave up the dog hoping that the “predator” tugging on its tail would eat the dog instead of it.

    But it still takes some serious stones to jump into an alligators base habitat and take it on. She should give one of her balls to the Republican party — that way, then they’d have one between them.

  2. No problem with any animals here, but frankly, not sure if I would want you in my foxhole either.

    If this woman has children under 7, would it be OK for them to lose their mommy thus? (I don’t know either, but my question stands)

    And another question: how did Hope get in the gator’s maw to begin with? (Still want this negligent pet owner in your foxhole?)

  3. I saw a young man getting his eyebrows waxed at the salon where my wife goes, and I yanked his Man Card®. Took that sucker away, I did. The little millennial Bete-Wuss handed it right over.

    I am conferring this Man Card® upon this brave and wonderful lady, making her an honorary dude.

    Seriously, who wouldn’t risk life and limb to help their dog? After all, your dog would gladly lay down its life for you! It’s how man and dog has rolled for what, about 20,000 years.

    Let’s all raise a glass to Lori Beiswenger!!!!!!!111

  4. Wow, nice blame the victim mentality!
    I guess that is the best we can expect in this age of Obama.

    I live in Florida and you can damn near guarantee that a gator lucks in every body of water.
    So, just stay indoors and hide in the corner?

    I would have done the same damn thing and had a new pair of boots…to boot!

  5. Not blaming the victim (I assume you mean this dog). Just wondering is a human’s life devoid of all else except dog loyalty? She even admits it was the bravest AND dumbest thing she’s done in her life.
    I do have kids, wife, nieces, nephews that I’d give my life for reflexively, and BECAUSE of that, I would have to think twice to risk it all for a dog.

    I have profound respect for those of us who have been heroes for strangers (humans), knowing that your family would lose mortal you.

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